The Queen of the Bitches

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A/N: Hey sorry I haven't been updating this story as much as I should be. I will try to update more often but if you look at my profile, you would see that I am also writing more books at the same time. Please be patience and keep reading this story! I would also like to hear some of your feed back so please comment

Love you all.

My hand was in a fist, a tight one and it was ready to hit her. I was being held back by all of the guys in the glee club, for once it wasn't Berry that I was pissed at. This girl in my class decided  to come to glee and talk trash about me and I'm not one that you should disrespect.

"I swear if none of these guys were holding me back, I'd rip that pretty little face of yours off," I growled staring at my prey. I pushed farther and farther to try and reach the bitch pulling the guys with me, "You know what, you aren't worth it. Get out of here before I change my mind,"

The girl ran out as fast as she could and if no one had taken my seriously I would have ran after her. Apparently many people know of the secret of me being adopted, I have only told Kurt, Mercedes and Santana. Berry doesn't even know and I have known her for the longest, never would I trust her with a secret like mine.

"Good thing that girl left quickly," Puck said. "I don't think we would have been able to continue holding her back," The other guys nodded in  agreement.

"Sorry, as they say, you mess with the bull you get the horns." I smiled rubbing the back of my hair.

"I'm surprised you haven't once got in a fight," Mercedes spoke while laughing. 

"I am actually pretty good at controlling my anger when the time is right. Though technically I did get in a fight. I beat him down though with one punch. That's probably why I have never been slushed," Everyone looked back and forth at each other, even Mr. Shue raised an eyebrow at me.

"That can't be, even I have been slushed." 

"Yeah but you went your whole high school career without getting slushed. You just recently was slushed by the club,"

"Makes sense though. The other football players talk about you in the locker room, they say that you are pretty but you also have an evil air around you." Sam mentioned,

"Correction, it's called an Agressive air. I use to be sweet and then one day I snapped and I haven't been messed with before. It's like my superpower, never have I ever been bullied because I have anger issues." I shrugged

"Oh one day some one is going to get you. Watch your back," with those finally words everyone agreed to it. 

                                                        Just great, me and my big mouth!       

Next Day

Apparently the club was serious, they were trying to get me slushed big time and it had been going on for a week now. Each time that they tried it was worst than the last time. Sam and Finn, along with Puck stood on the other side of each door that I walked through and tried to hit me with the slushy. Good thing I am pretty good at dodging things, 

One time it hit this guy in the face and he was so mad. It was funny, I mean the guy even chased the guys down the hallways. I'm so good at running away from them,

The sad thing was that the glee club was doing the slushing and not the football players. They really suck, you have to at least do the right thing.

"Give up, you guys are never going to get me. It's almost Nationals and you still haven't got me yet, give up." They all slumped back into their chairs covered with the rainbow of slushes that were made. I kinda felt bad for them, not because they couldn't slush me but because they dedicated all of their time to me. I didn't need this much attention,

"I agree with her, this music is much more important than her.  Mr. Shue, I would like to gain another solo." Berry was always given the solos, it was almost like Mr. Shue only thought her voice was good, even if he didn't think that. The rest of the Glee Club did. I looked around the room at everybody's face, they were annoyed.

"Why can't Mercedes or Santana get a solo? You have most of the solos anyway," I dared to say, standing up against Berry.

"Because Santana nor Mercedes can sing as well as I can! Th--"

"You really are a bitch. You think that the world revolves around you when it doesn't, everyone in here has just as much as you! Let someone else have a try at getting a solo!" I yelled at her letting the words escape my mouth. 

"Please, they know it! I am the best singer in Glee Club and everyone knows it!" She argued back with me. She was a bitch, not just a bitch but THE QUEEN OF THE BITCHES!!!!

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