Secret's Out

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"I can't believe you told her!" I yelled at Kurt balling up my fist in pure anger.

"What is so bad about it?" He asked,

"Because you told Berry! The one thing I am insecure about, you told her!" I left the room quickly.


I had been hiding the whole time school has started. This one moment I was scared for my reputation, knowing Berry couldn't keep her mouth shut I knew it wouldn't be long until they all knew.

If Berry said something out loud, there was a chance that Brittney heard and her mouth never takes a break.

"C.C, why are you hiding behind the door?" The voice of Sam broke through my hiding spot. I was hiding behind the door to the drama room,

"Oh, nothing. I was playing hide and go seek," I said laughing trying so hard not to make it obvious that I was hiding from my feelings.

"C.C, I already told you once. If you are going to lie at least lie right. So right now, no lying, nothing but the truth. What is wrong?" He leaned his hand on the door politely waiting for my answer.

The tough girl inside of me was slowly fading away and crying seemed like the only thing to do. I thought about it and when my eyes met his I turned away before he could see the answer in them. I couldn't tell him about my family, I just couldn't.

"Nothing.." I mumbled taking off down the crowded hallway and not turning around. Once I was safe on stage behind the curtains I put my head down and finally letting the tears fall to the ground. "This is going to be harder than I thought," I said talking through tears.

"Hello, is anyone here?" A voice said. I knew instantly who it was so I moved farther behind the curtains. "C.C, I know you are in here. I saw you run into here,"

"Then why the fuck would you ask if anyone was in here?" I snapped, even though my voice cracked I tried to still be mad. "Go back to your friends," I buried my head farther into my lap. When I looked up to see Finn right in front of me. "I thought I told you to leave!"

"Look, we started off bad and I wanted to make it up to you. I brought you a basket," He sat down across from me and started setting up the picnic. He acted as if we did like each other but I was still red with anger.

"As much as I'd love to have a picnic with you which I don't. I know what happened the last time you had a picnic with a girl," I was talking to him but I still had tears in my eyes and my voice was cracking.

"That isn't going to happen with -- Why are you crying?" He stopped what he was doing and looked at me with a look of pity. I hated being looked at pitifully, it made me feel weak but then again I was crying. "Did I do something?" He asked

Ignoring him I wiped my face trying to get rid of the tears which only left my eyes red. I stood up to leave the stage when he grabbed my arm forcing me to be stuck in the same spot. Right now I just wanted to go home and just bury myself in my sheets. To get myself ready before everyone knew,

"Let me go Finn," I growled trying to get away from him. He kept his strong hold on my arm and it was clear, he wasn't letting go and it scared me. "Let me go before it is too late," who was I kidding it was already too late.

I slid down to the floor and the tears fell again. It was bad enough when Sam saw me cry but it was horrible that Finn had seen me cry. His image of me, a tough girl who fought back was now melting down right in front of him. My tears were blocking my vision so when Finn leaned over to hug me instead of having my eyes as witnesses I had his warmth.

My eyes bulges out of my head when he hugged me. It wasn't one of those half hearted hugs but one of those strong, I-feel-your-pain hugs. The ones I only received from my brother and just like that the tears came down a hell lot harder. I would never admit this out loud but I liked his hug.

A door opened but I didn't bother to get up the hug felt too nice. What I remembered was Finn tense up, then it happened. He let me go and stood up.

"Rachel wait!" He ran off the stage and towards the door trying his hardest to reach Rachel. I sat back on the stage and took a deep breath for I knew what would happen. I slowly made my way down the steps and to the door both ran out of.

I followed the yelling until it led me to the Glee Room. There were people everywhere and I knew once I stepped into this room the new attention would be on Rachel and I.

"Rachel, just listen to me! I was comforting her, she looked upset and I thought she needed a hug! Wouldn't you have done that for someone who seemed upset and damaged?" As I stepped in I saw Rachel and heard her going ballistic

"She is damaged! She is adopted!" She yelled making me want to turn away and leave. "To make it worst she was adopted into a family that didn't even want her! She is jealous of me, I have a family who loves me and I have better talent than her! She wants me spot in Glee because she can't do anything right for her family!"

With her words I wasn't even going to cry. I did what I would do in any other situation, I balled up my fist and made my way through the crowd.

"Look you little bitch!" I had punched her. "I would never be jealous of someone with a heart as cold as you! I don't need what you need to be happy, I don't care about your spot because it doesn't matter! I can't stand being here with you right now or any other time! I QUIT MR.SHUE! I'm just done!"

I grabbed the little ounce of strength that I had and walked out. I didn't need this anymore, I try so hard and this is what I get! For years I had put up with Berry and I was sick of it, if she can't appreciate me then I would find someone who would.

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