Get C.C. Back

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Kurt' s POV

After Rachel went off on C.C, I felt my heart break for C.C. She didn't deserve what had come to her and I realized that I was the one at fault for telling Rachel. The reason why I told Rachel was because I thought she would change her way of hating C.C.

"Smooth Dwarf. We lost a good singer now," Santana was one of C.C' s friends in Glee Club. So of course she was going to be upset about her leaving but we were losing a good singer.

"I thought you were mean before but that was too much Rachel. I'm going to go and find her, whoever wants to come can come with me." Mercedes gathered a group of people who wanted to go check on her.

"Kurt," Rachel started, staring at me. "You forgive me, right? Please don't leave, I'm really sorry..." Rachel pleaded with the dried tears on her face.

"I am not the one you should me apologizing to," I said, finding myself following the crowd of people. The only people who stayed back with Rachel were Mr. Shue and Finn. Disregarding that I had to lead the way to her house because no one else knew where it was. Once we arrived, we all walked out of the cars and Sam rang the doorbell. Pretty soon the door opened revealing Jack,

"She's been locked in her room since she came home. Anything I should be worried about?" He asked taking a look at the group behind me.

"A little battle with a dwarf," Santana explained leaving out many parts. "Nothing too bad,"

"You know where the room is Kurt," he moved out of the way allowing us to enter the house. Following my hazy memories of the house, I found C.C' s room, her door was closed and it looked like her lights were off. Taking a deep breath I reached up to knock on her door

"Leave Kurt," her voice sounded soft and sad on the other side of the door. I have never seen C.C cry or really show much emotion. When I first met her, she told me that her life quote was "Those who cry about everything can never pass in life." She was still the same confident little girl that took my life by storm,

"If I leave then the rest of these people will still be here," I said mentioning the group that I had arrived with. I heard her take a deep breath before she cracked open her door. Her face took pretty much everybody by shock, her eyes were bloodshot red with dark bags, her hair was a tainted mess and her face was flushed from crying so much.

"Hi guys," she mumbled faking a smile. Just looking at her made me realize that this was truly getting to her, she looked like she was grieving pretty badly. Like I've said, nobody has ever seen her cry before so this was new to plenty of people. "Sorry, I know that I look like shit but deal with it. Come on in,"

We took a few steady steps into her room, once everyone got in the room it was surprisingly very roomy. She sat on her bed and waited on us to ask any questions, for a while it was silent until Sam went ahead and got straight to the point.

"Why does the fact that you're adopted have you in tears, right now?" He sat beside her on the bed and made her look at him, before answering his question she rolled her eyes and sighed again

"It's going to sound stupid but," she warned before getting ready for her explanation began. "I usually seem like a very confident person, right? Well, it just makes you feel as if you were given up completely by your original parents and then people who don't even want you adopt you. Like what the hell? I've never even heard of that before,"

"Nothing sounds stupid about that," Mercedes said reaching over Sam and placing her hand on top of C.C's. "It doesn't matter that they don't love you because we love you,"

For once in C.C's entire existence I feel as if she was actually smiling. Sure she has smiled before but those were all fake. Just because she was so use to showing her fake smile and it suddenly became her permanent smile . For a while we just sat in her room and told stories until it got dark. Everyone felt better after we talked, everyone left except me. I stayed back to talk with C.C. about the situation,

"So do you feel any better?" I asked hoping that she would say that she would come back to Glee Club. Sadly that wasn't going to happen and she knew it,

"No Kurt. I quit, you know what that means right? It means I'm never coming back-- EVER!" she made her point clear but I was not letting this go.

"Come on C. It's just one person that you have a problem with and that person is who everyone has a problem with. We need you," I pleaded with all my might. She had to come back, it wouldn't be the same without her voice.

"You guys did fine last year without me. I'm sure you'll come up with something but for right now the answer is no. The only way for me to come back is if Berry apologizes and we all know that won't work. So far I'm sticking with my decision," she walked me outside the house and ushered me to hurry up and get home. If it was an apology that C.C. wanted then it was an apology that she would get.


C.C. was right. Getting Rachel to apologize was like pulling teeth, not baby teeth but adult teeth. I asked and I pleaded but Rachel felt like she was right and that nothing would change her mind. So with her stubbornness, I knew that I had to go through Finn to get to her.

"Look Kurt. As much as I would love to help you, I can't. If Rachel thinks she is right then nothing will or can change her mind," With those words Finn left me by myself standing in the crowded hallway. It bummed me out that C.C. wasn't coming back and that I couldn't change her or Rachel's mind. As stood in the hallway a hand reached out for me, it belonged to C.C..

"Kurt, are you still trying to get me to come back to Glee?" she knew me so well. I smiled at her but nodded my head to her question. She sighed and then spoke again. "Give it a week. Sooner or later, you will forget about me and move on with the club. Just sing your heart out and kick Berry's ass for me,"

She smiled and then walked off in the direction of the auditorium. With all my strength I marched my way to the Glee room and looked Rachel dead in the eye.

"Okay Ms. I-Am-Better-Than-Everyone-Else, you have a heart as cold as the night time in Canada. You go apologize to C.C and get her back into Glee club or so help me I will quit along with C.C!" I yelled causing the room to go silent. The look on her face told me that she was thinking about what I just said. Everyone sat there quietly looking between Rachel and I,

"You can't quit Kurt! Why is this so important to you? It isn't about you," she turned her head away. "I'm sorry, okay! Can't we just forget about her she's already forgotten about us!" She screamed.

"Oh don't even try that. We all get smiles and waves from her in the hallways," Santana said standing up. "If anything, you've forgotten that this is a club. I may be a bitch sometimes--"

"Ain't that the truth!" Sam laughed. His unnecessary action made everyone look his way. "Sorry,"

"But... I never do anything that would harm this club. You never wanted her in here anyway and you took your chance!" Rachel stood there as if Santana wasn't verbally attacking her. "I'm quitting right with Kurt, if you don't apologize."

"Yeah, me too!" Everyone in the club except Finn agreed and were saying that they would quit the club. Rachel looked around at everyone in shock as they ganged up on her.

"Fine, fine! I'll apologize, just give me a week," Rachel grabbed her bag and walk out of the room before practice even started. She was most likely going to wait until the end of the week before she even thought about apologizing. If she didn't hurry up Santana would really quit.



Is it too late now to say sorry?

I'm sorry that I haven't been updating at all but I've been pretty busy. I will try my best to update regularly but I am writing new books so it might not work out. Thank you for continuing to read the little that I have written for this book. Please don't forget to comment and favor

Thank You All!

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