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13th of January - tuesday

VIOLET's POV - herbology class

'' So to wrap it up, don't forget to tell me your groups and idea until the end of the day, you know where to find me!'' said Sprout '' It's all for today's class, you can go.''

There were a few members of every house attending today's class, but they were mostly Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.

Professor Sprout had asked us to work in pairs or trios on a project, so I went around looking for a partner, I spotted Bella and went over to her.

'' Hey Bel, wanna pair up?''
'' Oh hi, actually I already have a group...'' she looked at Draco and Blaise '' Sorry.''
'' Okay, no problem.''

I faked a smile and walked out of the classroom.

Ron had Hermione and Harry so I was left out of all the groups, and it was not like George attended herbology that often so he wasn't in class for me to ask him.

It was lunch time already, but I wasn't hungry so I told my friends I was going to practice Quidditch and went to the Pitch.

I changed clothes in the dressing room and got my broom, heading straight to the middle of the pitch.

There was no one there so I had all the space to take up.

The weather was changing and it was getting rainy, but that didn't stop me from practicing.

I set the Bludger free and got on my broom as fast as possible to fly away from it and try to beat it as strong as I could.

I managed to hit it away a few times but it always came stronger back at me.

Rain started pouring down and it was getting cloudy, so I couldn't see that well.

'' Black!'' I heard someone calling out my name from the ground '' BLACK!''

I looked down and it was George.

'' Come down! You're going to catch a cold!'' he shouted.
'' I can't '' I said as I dodged the bludger once again '' I'm trying to push it away but I can't, my arms hurt!''

He ran back to the dressing rooms and got a broom for himself to fly up to where I was and keep up with my pace.

'' Where is it!?'' he asked loudly.
'' On your left!'' I pointed at it.
'' At my signal you dive, understood?!''
'' Y-yes.''

I sped up after him.

'' Almost, almost, OK DIVE!''

I hurriedly turned downwards and flied down, I looked up and it looked like everything was in slow motion.

He pulled both his arms back while holding the bat and swung it with all his strength, making it fly to the other side of the pitch.

'' Come on, to the ground!'' he yelled.

We flew down and the bludger flew down after us, George managed to lock it back in place and sat on top of the case to take a breath.

Meanwhile we were both soaking wet from the heavy rain.

'' Come on, you're gonna catch a cold.'' I joked and reached out my hand to him.

He laughed and held my hand to help himself up, he then took his cloak off and put it on top of our heads, I put my arm around his waist to cover myself from the rain and we walked to the covered part of the pitch near the dressing rooms.

Once we were in dry land I sat down on the stairs to rest.

'' Thanks for helping me out.''
'' Yeah, no problem, just don't do that again because you could've been badly hurt.''
'' Yeah...''

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