Grimm Invade the City

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I turned my head when I heard the door open. "Blake!" I cheered. I wanted to run over to her, but Roman grabbed me and held his cane against my throat.

"Hello, Kitty Cat. Ya miss me? You know, we really oughtta stop meeting like this. People are gonna talk." He taunted.

"Let her go!" Blake ordered. "You want her? Come and get her." Roman said with a smirk. She frowned and charged forward.

Tossing me aside, the two of them began to fight. They seemed equally matched, but Blake was able to overpower him.

She kicked him unconscious and I ran over to her. "Are you okay?" She asked with worry. "I'm fine. He didn't hurt me," I assured.

We both looked towards the door when Weiss was thrown into the room. "Weiss!"

Blake quickly grabbed her and we made a run for it. We made it to the top of the train and I saw Ruby, Yang, and Shadow.

"Lily!" My sisters said at the same time. I practically threw myself into their arms, hugging them tightly. "Oh, I'm so happy you're okay!" Yang said with relief.

"You nearly gave us a heart attack!" Ruby said. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to see you guys," I admitted. "But how'd you find me?"

"It was all thanks to Shadow. Without him, we wouldn't have known you were here." Ruby explained.

I looked at Shadow to see him staring at me wit his tail wagging. "Thanks, buddy." I smiled gently. "You guys, what do we do about that?" Blake asked while pointing ahead.

There was a barrier and we were about to crash right into it. Weiss and Ruby smirked at each other before Weiss encased in an ice dome from her weapon.

The next thing I knew, there was ringing in my ears. I groggily opened my eyes and saw that we were in the city of Vale, and so were the Grimm.  

"Shadow?" I looked around, trying to find him. Where did he go? What happened to him?

A King Taijitu let out a screech and the Grimm began their attack. "Lily, stay behind us." Ruby instructed.

She and the rest of Team RWBY attacked the Grimm while I stayed back. As I did, a King Taijitu came up behind me and screeched. 

Not again. I thought with panic. How did I do this the first time? I expected the snake-like Grimm to attack, but it didn't. It just stood there, staring at me. Is it because I'm not attacking it?

"Nora Smash!" 

I yelped in surprise when an energetic girl smashed a hammer on the snake's head. Another team of huntsmen appeared and aided Team RWBY in slaying the Grimm. 


Once again, I squeaked in surprise. But this time, I was swept off my feet by someone as they held me in their arms. "You just had to go and run off, didn't you?!" They said. 

I looked at them so I could get a look at their face. "Ian!" I realized. "When this is over, you are in so much trouble!" He said. 

"Yeah, yeah! Scold me later!" I replied. When Ian landed, Beowolves, Ursai, and Creeps surrounded us. "Uh-oh. What do we do now?"

"What do you think?" Ian replied. He switched positions so he was holding me up with one arm and took out his spear. 

"Wait a sec, you're going to fight them while holding me?!" I asked, panicked. "Yeah. You're not scared, are you?" Ian said, calmly. 

"Oh, no, no. I'm not scared... Just completely terrified!" I shouted. "Calm down, Shrimp. I got this. If you want, you can close your eyes and I'll tell you when it's over." He suggested.

"You're crazy!"

"Don't you trust me?"



"What? I'm thinking about it."

"Ugh. Just close your eyes." 

I did as he said and closed my eyes while holding onto his neck tightly. "This is gonna be fun." Ian said. "Yeah, for you." I mentioned. I could tell he was smirking.

"Hold on." Ian told me, and began to move. I heard slashing, snarling, and shooting, but I didn't dare open my eyes.

After a few moments, I heard everything beginning to calm down. "Should I open my eyes now?" I asked Ian. "I'd rather you didn't. But don't worry, we're almost done here," He assured. "Just keep your eyes shut, okay?"

"Okay. Huh?" I heard a loud noise from above us. "What's that noise?" I asked Ian. He began to move again. "Back up." He answered. 

"That's good, right?" I asked. "Yeah. That's very good," Ian assured. "Just keep those eyes closed until I say otherwise."

"Right." I replied. Ian continued to move, wielding that weapon of his. "How ya doing, Shrimp?" He asked. 

"I'm fine. just don't drop me."

"Don't worry, I got you." 

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