Resolve and Doubles Round

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"Come and face me, coward!"

"Aaaand you lose again."


"Wanna go again? I'll even let you win this time."

"Shut up and start the game."

Ian chuckled and restarted the match. Shadow was sleeping behind us and this was the fifth time in a row I lost to Ian on a 1v1. 

"Can we go to Forever Fall Forest?" I asked. "Tired of losing?" Ian said. "Well, yes. But I also want to go see other Grimm." I admitted. 

"Lily, it's a forest. Not a petting zoo." He stated. "I know that. I just want to see them." I said. "Maybe later." Ian said. I pouted and flopped down on my bed. 

"I'm going to the library then." I said, quickly getting up. I didn't wait for a respond from Ian as I walked out of the room. 

Once I was in the library, I tried looking for the Four Maidens. I know it's an old fairytale, but it's my favorite.

After finding the book, I sat down at a table and began to read. A few minutes later, someone sat in front of me. I looked up from my book to see that it was Cinder. 

"Cinder?!" I said, surprised. "Hello, Lily." She greeted. "What are you... Oh, crap! I forgot we were suppose to meet in the Emerald Forest! I'm so sorry!" I apologized while bowing my head. 

"That's alright." She said with a smile. "How have you been?"

"Pretty good."

"Lily, I've been meaning to ask you something."

"What is it?" 

"You admire Grimm. Yet, you want to become a Huntress to kill the very thing you admire?"

"Huh? Oh, hehe... No, you've got the wrong idea. I'm not a student."

"You're not?"

"Nope. You see, I came here to spend time with my sisters. But after the professor found out about Shadow, he insisted that I stay here so he could study while Shadow doesn't attack. You know, since he's a Grimm and all."

"You couldn't take Shadow home?"

"Well, I could. But if I did, then my dad would find out that I've been keeping a Beowolf for a pet." 

"He doesn't know?"

"Him and my uncle. They don't know I have a Beowolf for a pet, and they can't know. If they did, they would kill Shadow without a second thought,"

I looked down at my book. "Ever since I met Shadow, I kept thinking about a way for Grimm and humans to live together. Maybe one day, Huntsmen and Huntresses won't have to fight the Grimm anymore, and Grimm won't have to be hunted." I said. 

"Hmm... Lily, what if I told you there was a way to do it? That there was a way for Grimm to roam freely without being hunted?" Cinder said. 

"What do you mean?" I asked. "I have a plan that may benefit the both of us, and I believe you would be quite the asset." Cinder said. 

I blushed slightly and looked down. "I... I don't know what to say." I said, a bit flustered. "You don't have to give me an answer right away. Think about it." She said. 

She got up from the table and walked off. Cinder has a plan that will make Huntsmen and Huntresses stop hunting Grimm? What sort of plan, and why does she want to recruit me for it? Does she really value my input on Grimm?


Ian and I sat next to Team RWBY as Penny's match just ended. "And victory goes to Penny and Ciel of Atlas." Dr. Oobleck announced. "Wow, she was good." I said.

"Not bad. You know, for a girl." Ian said. I frowned and punched his arm.

"Ow! Man, you hit hard." Ian said, rubbing the spot I hit him. "She gets that from me." Yang grinned.

"Let's go." Ruby said, taking me away to congratulate Penny. "Penny!" Ruby called. "Ruby!" Penny tackled Ruby to the ground, hugging her.

"Why..." I heard Ruby said in a strained voice. I couldn't help but giggle. "Ruby, Lily. This is my teammate." Penny introduced as they stood up.

"Ciel Soleil." The girl greeted. "Hi! I'm Ru-"

"Ruby Rose. 15. Hails from Patch. Leader of Team RWBY. Status: Questionable." Ciel said.

"Are you psychic?" I asked. "No, just observant." Ciel giggled. "So... Penny! You two were incredible out there! How do you keep control of all those swords?! It's so cool-

"Penny, I believe it is best if we move on to our next location." Ciel interrupted Ruby. "Could we have just a minute to talk?" Penny requested.

Ciel took a step back and gave a nod. "So, is she...your friend or...?" Ruby asked. "Well, in a way. She's like Blake. But if Blake was ordered to spend time with you." Penny explained.

"Oh, so Weiss/Ian." Ruby and I said at the same time. "Precisely." Penny replied. "Does she know about... you know... beep boop bop, does not compute?" Ruby asked.

"You mean does Ciel know that she's a robot?" I asked, in which Ruby quickly shushed me. "Oh, no. General Ironwood doesn't really want anyone to know. There was an incident with a magnet, but I was able to play it off," Penny explained.

"Ruby, Lily. There's something I've been wanting to talk to you two about," Penny looked at Ciel, then back at us. "I want to stay at Beacon." She said.

"Penny, they'll never let you do that." Ruby said. "I know. But I have a plan." Penny informed with a smile.

"What kind of plan?" I asked. "It's been precisely one minute, ma'am." Ciel informed. "I'll talk to you more soon, Ruby. And I shall see you soon, Lily." Penny said, and we waved goodbye to each other.

"Our next match will begin in 15 minutes." Professor Port announced. "Oh my gosh, that's right! It's time for Yang and Weiss's match!" Ruby said, excitedly.

"Then, let's hurry up and go!" I said. I took Ruby's hand and led us to our seats. Yang and Weiss's opponents were Neon Katt and Flynt Coal from Atlas.

"Oh, here we go." Ruby said when Neon insulted Yang. The match began, and Yang was left to fight Neon and Weiss with Flynt.

The fights between them was going pretty well. At least until it became two against one. Weiss sacrificed herself to save Yang, but Flynt remained in the match.

"Come on, Yang! You can do it! Show them who's boss!" I called. "Ooh, it looks like Yang is angry. And you wouldn't like her when she's... upset." Professor Port announced.

Yang yelled angrily as her eyes turned red and lava burst out from the ground. She shot at the enemy and not three minutes later, Yang won the match for her and Weiss.

Blake, Ruby, and I rushed down to the arena to congratulate them.

"Good job, you two." Blake said. "Yeah!" Ruby agreed. "Way to go!" I cheered. 

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