16 • Surprise?

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When your schedule is as hectic as mine, it's advisable that you get your priorities straight. It's too bad that my priorities are currently all over the metaphorical floor, ceiling, and walls. It also quite sucks that, as exhausted as I am, I do not give a single fuck.

Ducking my head to both hide a yawn and dodge a piece of chalk, I stretch my arms out in front of me and blink blearily.

Scarface twitches at the front, eyes narrowed in irritation. "Please pay attention, Sakura, and stop sleeping in class."

I hum and wave a hand in vague agreement, too tired to put up my usual fight with the man. It's not easy dealing with twenty-odd children that are all a little messed up in the head (they want to go into a career that entails murder, they have to be a little crazy), so beyond the usual trouble my Brats cause, I don't bother the man much.

I'd certainly be less of a bother if he left me to sleep peacefully during class. It's not like I'm inconveniencing anyone! I always get perfect scores on any test we do, so what's the problem?

Leaning my head against my hand, I yawn again and turn to stare listlessly out the window, ignoring the stares and glances sent my way.

Lately, my time has been taken up with more training and less errands. This includes more lessons on what to do on a real mission and actually getting to learn how to wield medical ninjutsu (if I see another fish, it'll be too soon).

The lessons aren't too bad, a bit boring and absolutely mind-numbing, but at least I'm not physically doing anything. The training is a pain in the ass for how physically exhausting it is, and the fact that I have to spend time around the Bastard.

And then there's Dino. Beyond personally reporting to him on whatever progress there is to my "Befriending the Heirs" mission, I don't see the man. Recently, however, I've noticed him observing several of my training sessions.

I can't say for sure if he's watching me specifically, or just the group in a general sense. It's certainly unnerving and has me a lot more alert than I strictly need to be.

To make things worse, there's been a familiar presence around the base. My skills as a sensor are rather shoddy and I rely more on my instincts than chakra. But when both of them are warning me of a familiar presence around the one place no one is supposed to know I'm in?

I've become twitchy and withdrawn in my perusal to find out who they are. I have a few guesses, one of which I would hate to be true but am ready to shank myself just to escape the confrontation that would be bound to happen.

Because how do you give answers that you aren't supposed to? And Dino has made it perfectly clear that suicide is the preferred option when caught or discovered. Not that I would mind: it'd get me out of an awkward interrogation and keep the Brats away from Dino.

I frown as I turn the thought over in my mind. The benefits would-


I blink, turning my head to find the Brats surrounding my seat and each looking concerned in their own way. Glancing over their shoulders, it's easy to see that the classroom is empty. How didn't I notice that class finished already?

I stand up and grab my bag, yawning as I ask, "Yeah, did you say something?"

"Maybe you should head home and get some sleep," Hinata suggests with a frown as I step out of my desk.

Being surrounded by people that I'm usually so open with my expressions, my lips twitch downwards at the word "home." I have a house, but no home. Home sounds and feels too warm to be what the two-story and yellow-painted house I rarely stay in for more than three hours is.

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