Back With Rayla Part 10

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"Amaya!" Rayla ran around the ship, frantic. "AMAYA!!" She screamed. Amaya appeared suddenly, putting a hand on her shoulders. 

"Calm down Rayla. I'm here. What's wrong?" Rayla was crying at this point. 

"Callum's gone!" She cried. Amaya learned everything and then sent Rayla to bed. 

Rayla locked her door and sat on her hammock. She peered around the room and turned the lights out. "I know your here!" She yelled. 

A moment later the black figure appeared. "No need to shout." She said. "I'm right here." Rayla narrowed her eyes. 

"What did you do with Callum?" She asked. The figure laughed. 

"I had nothing to do with that." She said.

"Funnily enough, I don't believe that," Rayla replied. The figure's limited features curled up into a small smirk. 

"We take the words and the love we think we deserve." She said before disappearing. 

Rayla scowled. She hated not understanding things. "Coward." She muttered. But she knew she was just worried for Callum. 

Rayla lay down, pulling at her fingers. She counted the tears that ran down her cheeks to fall asleep. 

In the morning she woke up to shouts. A few seconds later Ezran knocked on her door. 

"Ray?" He called softly. Rayla got up slowly, unlocking the door and running a hand through her hair. 

"Hey Ez." She said, smiling softly. Ez smiled back but then tears brimmed his eyes and he threw himself into Rayla, wrapping his arms around her middle. Rayla hugged him back. 

"I'm scared." He whispered. 

"I am too," Rayla said, gently falling to her knees so she was the same height as Ezran. She pulled from the hug and wiped his tears away. "But we'll get him back." She promised. Ez nodded and smiled. 

"Thanks, Rayla." He said and Rayla smiled back. 

"Of course Ez." She said, reassuring him. But she was trying to convince herself just as much. 

I'm sorry for the SUCH late updates guys. I lost somebody really close to me and my mental health has been down the drain. I have no motivation but I'm on Spring Break and my best friend came to town so hopefully more updates will be coming soon! Thank you for all the love and support, I love you guys to infinity and beyond! (Also there's a writing competition I use called Reedsy if you wanna check me out on there. My pen name is Echo Ross.) 

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