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my hand on my thigh tightened as we got closer to the restaurant seeing as we only had four minutes until our arrival

madelyn reached over and laced our fingers together "hey mads you okay?" her voice was soft and laced with worry

i shrugged my shoulders looking down at our locked hands "yeah just a bit nervous" i admitted feeling embarrassed

madison in the backseat wrapped her arms around me from around the chair "you have nothing to be nervous about" she soothed

"i know i know it's just-" i paused trying to find the right words "i don't mess anything up"

"you won't okay? i promise" madelyn squeezed my hand before pulling in into the parking lot and quickly parking the car "let's do this"

we all put our hands in the middle of the car lapping one hand over each other's

"operation make rudy admit his feelings!" madelyn screamed making all three of us bust out laughing

the cold air hit my arms as we stepped out of the car "im happy that i choose jeans" i laughed lacing hands with both maddies

i felt my heart rate start to increase when the waitress steered us towards the private room in the back of the restaurant

madelyn turned to me and grabbed my shoulders "remember bad bitch energy only" she reminded me

maddie agreed from the side giving me a small smile as she opened the doors

all of their heads snapped towards us when we walked in

"hey it's my favorite onscreen sibling" chase walked over to me giving me a bear hug "good luck with rudy" he whispered in my ear

i pulled back with wide eyes "how do you know?"

he didn't say anything but just looked towards his girlfriend

"im sorry i had too" madelyn apologized

i laughed pulling away from them so i didn't have to third wheel again "well well well" i heard from behind me

"hi rudy" my lips upturned into a smile and rudy didnt hesitate to send one back

rudy didn't respond to me but instead pulled me in for a hug resting his chin on my head and both of his hands on my lower back while mine resting on his upper back

from behind rudy chase and madelyn send me thumbs up

i pulled away from the hug surprising myself when i saw how close we were "sorry" i moved back

"it's fine" rudy rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly before turning his attention to everyone finding a seat "shall we?"

i nodded walking over to sit in between drew and maddie with rudy directly in front of me

i was glancing down at the menu when drew's hand came flying in front of it to block my view

"drew" i whined trying to pry his hand off the menu

"i didn't even get a hello beer" he shook his head tightening his grip on my menu

"well sorry hello starkey" i laughed lightly and glancing over to see rudy staring at us with his jaw clenched

he pulled his hand off my menu and turned back to look at his own , i felt my phone buzz on my lap and i felt maddie gesturing for me to look down at my phone

1 𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙜𝙚

𝗯𝗮𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘆 𝗯𝗮𝗯𝗲
it's working 👍🏼

i looked back at her sending her a thumbs up and she smiled in victory

"hello im andrea i will be you're waitress" a girl said from rudy's side making us all turn our attention to her

when it was rudy's turn to order i couldn't help but feel the pit in my stomach grow out of jealousy at the way they made little flirty gestures at each other

she turned her attention towards me and i gave my best attempt at a fake ass smile , after i ordered i looked at rudy to see him sitting there with a sly smirk

i looked away from his intense stare and focused on drew next to me

"what happened beer you jealous?" he whispered making my face scrunch up

"me jealous? never in a million years" i replied sarcastically

"well you seemed pretty jealous to me" he pointed out making me push his shoulder "got you there beer"

the night consisted of drew and i'a annual fighting over the fact that dark chocolate is better than milk chocolate

rudys snarky little comments at drew like "cut it out drew" after drew complimented my hair like twenty times to which drew replied with "you are just mad you can't get her offscreen"

i didn't miss the little opportunities i got to look at rudy , and the way he just acted towards all of us

he was perfect no doubt , he was open and honest and obviously the most beautiful man to walk this earth other than harry styles of course !

"ah i got some cute pics to post tonight" madelyn cheered happily while skipping to the car

i was about to respond when i felt a light tug on my hand making me flip around to see who it was "um mads can we uh t-talk" rudy slipped over his words while toying with his fingers

"oh yeah sure" i looked down at my feet and back up to him "just give me five minutes!" i shouted over towards the two girls that were waiting for me

rudy pulled us towards the side of the restaurant which was very secluded and quiet it seemed like a great place to have these kinda convos

i nervously bit my bottom lip as i waited for him to say something

"i just look i need to tell you something" rudy stepped in front of me making me tilt my head up towards him

"and im not sure if it will change things between us" he sighed running his hands over his face

authors note !
yes besties. yes besties.
i repeat yes bestie.
i love madison and drew's
friendship honestly it is
so CUTEE #goals
anyways i wanted to clear this up
bc i am aware this is kinda confusing with all
the girl m names soo
madison bailey will go by : mb
and madelyn will go by : maddie
okay thank you i love you.
~ tpwk 💞💞

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