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i cursed myself out in my head before walking over to sit next to drew before i was pulled by rudy and redirected to sit on his lap.

"hi pretty girl" he whispered snuggling himself into my neck and wrapping his arms around my waist

"hi pretty boy" i whispered back playing with his rings

"yes hello hi to you too madison" drew gawked at us before turning back to the tv

"aw drew hi" i leaned over and rustled his hair leading him to slap my hand away

elaine's harsh stare was really starting to get under my skin even though i knew that's exactly what she wanted but it's really fucking annoying.

mb leaned over to me quietly "elaine is shooting daggers at the both of you right now"

rudy and i glanced up at her making her quickly turn her head away from the both of us and back to chase next to her.

after a couple of minutes of just banter elaine finally decided to speak up "so like when did you two become a thing?"

"um we aren't dating but like yesterday sorta" rudy hesitated but answered

"mhm yeah i just didn't expect someone like her" she responded under her breathe

listen i must be hearing things because is this bitch for real right now?

"excuse me?" i tilted my head to the side leaning forward

rudy's arms tightened around me and everyone's conversations came to a halt , all of their attention now on the two girls in front of them

"i said i just don't expect someone like you to be with him" she smiled innocently at me

"i heard you the first time" my tone was now harsh instead of soft "what is that supposed to mean?"

"it just means i don't know well you sorta of sleep around a lot and rudy deserves someone who you know isn't a hollywood whore" she picked at her nail beds

lord have mercy.

everyone's mouths were wide open and rudy pulled me back seeing as i was an inch close to launching forward

"im sorry" i scoffed "first of all who i sleep with is none of your fucking business"

"i know but it's the truth" she stood up making me push rudy's arms off and stand up also

"what the fuck is your problem" i spat at her stepping closer until i was in her face

"you bitch" she pushed me backwards but i stood my ground and pushed her back

before anything could get good austin pulled me back and stood in between us , elaine turned to rudy who was at this point also stood up.

"you choose her over me?" she raised her voice

"elaine just because we have bad blood does not give you the right to speak to her like that!" rudy stood up for me slowly growing more irritated at the girl

"fuck you both!" she pulled away from austin and gathering her things

"bye bitch!" i yelled and waved at her before she slammed the door

"okay what just happened?" chase stood up grabbing the bag of chips

"you okay?" maddie turned to me pushing my hair out of my face

"yeah i'm fine she's just a stuck up bitch" i huffed

eventually everyone was passed out except me and rudy , maddie and chase were in their bedroom while bailey , jd , drew and austin were passed out in the living room

the chilled breeze of south carolina engulfed my bare legs as i leaned back against rudy who was playing with my hair lightly

"that feels nice" i hummed at the feeling at his nails softly running threw my scalp

"does it?" he whispered pulling my jaw up with his free hand and making me face him

"yes" i looked up at his eyes letting them travel from the blue to the pink of lips

"you are driving me crazy beer" he sighed leaning in so he lips were hovering over mine

"good" i smiled before slamming my lips into his and letting my body melt into his

he pulled me over him so i was straddling him with my hands running over his bare chest outlining his sharp abs and muscle's while his hand went to my lower hip with the other on my cheek.

our lips collided against eachother perfectly , i let my hand slip from his chest to the back of his head tugging at the hairs.

he quickly flipped us over so now my back was against the chair while he was hovered over me.

i grabbed the back of his neck pushing him down so our lips could connect again but he pulled away and started kissing down my jawline to my neck leaving small kisses before reaching that one spot and sucking hard.

i squirmed underneath him throwing my head back allowing him to have more room on my neck as he continued to suck on it.

as he hands slipped under my shirt the back door flew open "hey guys-shit sorry!" jd screamed when he saw us shutting the door

rudy groaned pulling himself up and kissing my lips one more time before standing up and adjusting himself a little bit "sorry baby"

"it's fine" i smiled kissing him and letting us back inside

"so they were having sex!?" bailey yelled but shut up as soon as we came inside

dammit jd.

𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 !
thank u sm for all the love <3
and thank u for voting !!
i hope you all are well ,
im going to start updating a lot more
so maybe 2-3 updates a day hopefully.
school is very stressful but you knowww
thank u again. i love you guys
~ tpwk 📍

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