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𝗺𝗮𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝙥𝙤𝙫 :

"happy birthday!" bailey screamed jumping on top of me as i was scrolling through my instagram thanking people for all the birthday wishes

"thank you" i laughed at her

"c'mon c'mon" she dragged me out of bed making me groan

"happy birthday!" all of my friends were stood in the living room jumping up and down

drew ran over to me placing a pink fluffy birthday hat on my head and proceeding to pull me into a bear hug

i spent the morning and afternoon replying to my friends and fans thanking them for the wishes while cuddling with rudy until 4 o'clock hit and i had to get ready.

michelle who was my hair and make up stylist came over and set up in the living room while zavier my stylist was fixing up my outfit.

"are you excited for tonight" she asked from behind me as she curled my hair

"yes very" i replied struggling to hold back my smile

after we finished getting ready i was taken to the venue at 5 o'clock which the party was starting at 6 so we had enough time to take pictures and all those kinda things.

"bitch you look so good!" maddie screamed when she saw me walk into the venue

"thank you bae" i replied laughing

"you look really uh beautiful" rudy scratched the back of his neck

"thank you" i moved myself closer to wrap him into a hug when he leaned towards my lips making me pull back

"lipgloss" i pointed making him groan

"enough love birds! it's picture time!" our photographer laura pulled us away from each other

we took the pictures and i could feel rudy's gaze burning into my side profile

"okay perfect!" laura turned the bright light down letting me step away from the camera's , i thanked her before making my way down to the main room where people were already starting to make their way in

"happy birthday!" kaia walked in handing me an envelope and hugging me

"thank you , i've missed you so much" i squeezed her lightly before letting go

the venue was huge , filled with blue balloons and a photo booth area

including lots of tables like lots of tables

i was sat at the one directly in the middle with the whole entire obx cast with rudy next to me on one side and maddie on the other

"let's dance!" bailey yelled over the music pulling me and maddie up

the three of us jumping around to the beat of the music with flashing lights all around us made it seem like we were in a movie. the best feeling ever.

"rudy wants you!" maddie screamed pulling me closer so i could hear her

"where?" i looked around not seeing him

"outside! the balcony!" she pointed me towards the stairs

i pulled myself away from her and the big crowd making my way up the stairs feeling the pit in my stomach

i pushed the door open to find rudy facing the city of north carolina

"maddie said you wanted me?" i closed the door behind me now standing next to him

"uh yeah" his voice was shaky

"okay listen i-i know we just told each other about our feeling like two weeks ago but i don't want this to just be this i wanna be with you" he paused his eyes remaining on the ground which was something he did when he got nervous "i want to be something more than just this friends with benefits , i want to be you're b-boyfriend if you'll let me" he admitted

"of course i want to be you're girlfriend" i gently placed my hand under his chin lifting it up so our faces were only an inch apart

"um happy birthday" he pulled back to lean in his back pocket pulling out a red velvet box handing it to me

my fingers trailed over the soft material before pulling it open and i gasped seeing the small diamond ring

"rudy i-" my emotions and were taking over

"do you like it?" he asked slipping it on my finger

"love it" i whispered pulling him into a soft kiss

the party went on for another two hours which consisted of lots of dancing and my cake

i threw myself on the couch whimpering when i peeled my heels off my feet and putting on my sneakers

"my feet are killing me" i complained tucking my shoes into my bag

"did you have fun?" bailey asked from next to me taking off her owen shoes

"yes i did" i moved closer to her showing her the ring

"oh my god!" she stood up and her mouth was agape

"you and rudy are together!" she yelled out of disbelief

"yes for 2 hours!" i yelled back trying to contain my laughter

she threw her arms around me and lifting me up to spin me around "im so happy for you guys"

"thank you bailey"

𝗼𝗵 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗶 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗱𝗼 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝗼 𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗿𝘂𝗱𝘆.

𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 !
hi babies <3
i'm so so sorry this took so long
to come out. i have been really busy
which is so annoying !!
but yes this is so short but
rudy & mads !! yay
the bold letters...
anywayz i love u thank u !

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