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his lips smashed onto mine, my head becoming clouded with thoughts

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his lips smashed onto mine, my head becoming clouded with thoughts. every part of my body froze.

i wasn't the biggest fan of elaine but cheating wasn't my thing at all, placing my hands on rudy's chest i pushed him back a bit. "what about her?"

his breathe heaved as he stared at me, darting his tongue out to lick his lips. "i broke up with her, for you madison."

"i don't understand, you broke up with me for her and now you broke up with her for me?" i sigh, running a hand through my brown hair.

"i know how fucked up this looks but you have to understand. i just-" rudy paused, his eyes finding the ground.

"you just what?" i asked.

"she told me that you were cheating on me and i knew i shouldn't have believed her, but my last relationships were rough and i just did. i know that i'm stupid and you probably hate me but i don't blame you." his eyes finally left my carpet and found my face again, tears building up in his blue eyes.

never in my life have i felt so much anger and hurt towards one person. how could you ever break someone up like that?

i gently placed me hands on his cheeks, lifting my thumb up to wipe the small tear that fell down his face. "i'd never cheat on you. never ever would i put you in that place. i love you and i care about you rudy."

he mirrored my actions, placing his hand on the back on my neck and the other one dropping to my hip, "i know, and i'm sorry that i ended things like how i did. i was being a dick."

"yeah you were being a dick." i laughed, our foreheads touching. "i forgive you."

"can i kiss you?" he fluttered his eyes, moving in so our lips were hovering over one another's.

"please." i begged, the minute the words left my mouth his lips smashed onto mine as he grip tightened on me.

the kiss wasn't needy or sexual it was soft and felt as if we were going to be ripped away from each other again.

"i wanna try this again." rudy pulled away, trying to catch his own breathe.

"mhm." i hummed resting my head on his collarbone, "take me on a date first."

"a date? so you're gonna get all pretty for me?" he asked, the small smile playing on his now swollen pink lips.

"yeah." i leaned up and connected our lips momentarily.

"wrong!" rudy raised his voice, my brows furrowing in confusion.

"you're always pretty!" he pinched my cheeks.

"stop." i rolled my eyes playfully.

rudy huffed as he threw himself down on my comforter, snuggling himself up into the sheets. i joined him and plopped down next to him, slipping my own body under the sheets.

he turned over so he was facing me, he trailed his eyes all around my face before they fell back to mine. "i missed this."

"me too." i nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck while he draped his arm around my waist.

love. love is such a hurtful feeling but such a happy feeling. when you fall in love you except it to be all rainbows and butterflies, but it's not. in the beginning it is but once it ends it hurricanes. eventually that person will find you again, and there is no saying no because you love them.

i drifted off into the best night sleep i have probably ever had before. rudy was rubbing his hand in circles up and down for a while, leaning the side of his face on my head that was wedged into his neck. the way he held me felt like someone was gonna run in and take me away from him.

i missed him. i missed his laugh, his random kisses, his hugs, the way he'd yell at me for simping over spencer reid and not him, our 4am conversations about life, his cooking, everything that involves him.

the smell of blueberry pancakes filled my nose as i woke up, rubbing my eyes and feeling for rudy which he wasn't there. i leaned up out of bed and went over to my bathroom, brushing my teeth and doing some of my quick skincare.

my feet padded against the hardwood flooring as i made my way towards the kitchen. rudy stood there with his back turned to me as he placed the pancakes on a plate.

i wrapped my arms around his back, his body jumping but relaxing once he saw my hands. "morning." i beamed, kissing his back muscles.

he flipped his body and leaned up to kiss my forehead all the way to my lips, "morning."

"i hope you know, i am going to kill elaine." i moved away from him as i picked up a plate.

"i didn't see a thang." he laughed, leaning against the countertop with his own plate.

after we had finished our food and cleaned up, rudy left to go with chase and drew to pick up some things from the store.

"what." maddie dropped her water bottle as her eyes widened.

"how?" bailey parted her lips, her jaw dropping.

i had invited them both over to explain everything about last night, overall they were my best friends and i'm sure chase and drew were getting the conversation right now.

"he came over and we kissed a lot. he explained everything." i looked in between the two girls. "elaine had told him i was cheating on him and he believed her. she fed him so may fucking lies."'

"that little shit." maddie hissed, "and to think i actually forgave her."

bailey nodded her head in agreement, "she knew exactly what she was doing. that's why they hung out so much! so she could tell him all this shit about you."

she was right, elaine had told rudy so many lies and honestly i tried to forgive her and make things work between us for rudy. but now it's gotten to far for me to forgive.

"so what are you gonna do about it?" maddie asked me, placing her chin on her knees.

"confront her but this time a little more public."

𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 !
hi lovies !! i missed y'all so muchhhh
thank you for all the positive comments !! it means so much to me that you are all enjoying
the story.
buckle up for the next few chapters because it's gonna be a ride.
kisses for you <3

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