Oh how the tides turn

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Chapter five


A few weeks had passed and I was out of the infirmary and was told to take it slow getting back into training but I didn't listen to hanji and pushed myself to work harder. I would be training secretly for months since hanji would make sure i was doing okay and spend their free time with me moblit usually following hanji making sure they didnt do anything to get themselves hurt.

I was sleeping when hanji opened my door like they usually did and came barging in " if you drag me out of bed i will be punching you" i said in my half dazed state after hearing the door hinges squeak open.

Hanji chuckled to themselves as they came closer and sat on my bed waiting as if they wanted something but wasn't asking. "What is it?" i mumbled as i rolled over and started to get up grabbing my eyepatch from my bedside table and putting it on struggling without a mirror, hanji grabbed it from me and fixed it making sure the straps sat flat against my head. I smiled slightly blushing as I pulled my sweater that was laid on the floor beside me " were you going to tell me what you needed- or '' I trailed off when I stood up putting on my grey socks that tightly hugged my calves.

" oh right yeah-" i had apparently pulled hanji out of thought since they were being awfully quiet.i walked over  to the door and slipped on my boots, we had a day off from training but hanji never let me stay in bed most likely since they were always talking to me about their experiments.

I walked out the door holding it open for hanji who walked out soon after. I closed it locking it behind me and walked down the hall hanji and I would always get breakfast after they woke me up. Hanji stopped me seeing someone down the hall, I looked over to them confused. But as I opened my mouth to speak hanji pulled me into a closet pulling me close due to the close proximity we had to share.

Their hands covered my mouth. I was looking at them, my eyebrows furrowed in and I looked at the door that Hanji locked. I almost pushed them off me before stopping to think about it. Hanji looked to me and let their hands down watching me

I could barely speak since it was hanji, they were close to me so much that I felt my face heat up. I turned my head to the side and pulled my hands up to my chest trying to give myself some space.

Hanji smirked and leaned on the wall opposite of me, I could tell they were staring at me. I composed myself and looked at them. " what the hell was that for?" I was not in the mood for their games.

Hanji looked at me i could tell they were tring to hold back a laugh, they sighed and unlocked the door peaking their head out to check the hall before looking back at meoffering their hand. I scuffed and leaned further into the wall.

" you haven't even told me what this was about and you want me to go with you so you could do it again. Hanji you cant just grab me like that" i spoke quieter so no one passing by could hear, i really did love hanji they are just so overwhelming they forget what there doing sometimes.

" y/n come on lets just go " they said while turning to me  grabbing at my hand which i instinctively  pushed into the wall.

I heard the sound of impact and watched as hanji took their hand back " what did i just tell you hanji!" i was getting angry trying to distract myself by fiddling with my fingers tapping them in a specific order making sure the pads hit the middle of my thumb each time.

I could see them getting uncomfortable,they noticed my handed moving faster each time but hasn't commented on it " oh , y/n i'm sorry i didn't think i shouldn't have done that"

I pulled my arms in and walked pass them out the door making sure to not hit them " y/n wait-" theay said which i ignored, I wasn't in the mood for hanji to say sorry a million times like they usually did when they would get me into trouble just because they would be with me.

I walked down the hall my heart was pounding I felt like I needed to cry like I was going to, it was my day off so I couldn't do a whole lot. I went back to my room slamming my door behind me in anger. I tore off my sweater off taking the eyepatch off with it, I felt so heavy and could barley breathe I was so afraid I was scratching at my neck and eventually fell to the floor leaning on my bed I was looking around trying to see if anything I had in here could help but there was;

(( hey :)
I'm sorry I've kinda been on hiatus I most definitely broke my laptop but I got a new one! Anyway, umm I have more chapters they just need to be edited and sorry this ones kinda short ))

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