Yo, I hath returned

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3rd person POV
It took Harry and Severus about 20 minutes to reach Diagon Alley by car, the entire way Harry could only think about one thing "So I'm a Slytherin? Wow... I never thought I could be anything but a Gryffindor, but at the same time it feels right to call myself a Slytherin. It feels right to be here with Severus. It feels right to be friends with Draco. I always thought I didn't want help simply because I was convinced i didn't deserve help. But now that I am getting help, now that I'm opening up more and have support, I feel so much better than I ever did in my whole life. I'm glad I'm here. And for the first time in forever, I'm happy to be alive. " Harry thought, smiling to himself. The voice didn't even come then to ruin it. The only thing Harry felt in that moment was pure bliss and happiness. Severus had glanced in the mirror and saw Harry smiling, Severus smiled as well, happy that Harry was feeling good. He knew that it would take a long time and a lot of help for the boy to even begin to be okay, but Severus was willing to help him through it. In that moment Severus made a promise to himself, a promise that he intended to keep no matter what the cost. "I will make you happy Harry, I'll make you smile and laugh, I'll help you see how incredible you are and that you do deserve happiness just as much as everyone else, if not more. ". They soon arrived at the secret entrance to Diagon Alley and stepped out of the car. " You do have your wand, don't you Harry? " Asked Severus once they were standing at the entrance "Yes, i-i never leave with out it" Harry replied "Good, then you can do the honors" Severus said, motioning for Harry to unlock the entrance. Harry did as instructed, and they both made their way into Diagon Alley. They went to several shops, they had originally planned to just get clothes and go, but ended up enjoying themselves to much and going on a total shopping spree, with Harry of course apologizing every time Severus purchased something for him. Eventually after getting ice cream Harry decided that he was tired of walking around so they stopped at a library to relax a little and check out some books. Harry was expecting to see lots of books and people and for it to be quiet, but one thing he didn't expect to see there was Draco. "D-draco!? What are you doing h-here? Is this where you've b-been all day? " Harry asked in a quiet voice, Severus joining him as he walked up to Draco. "Oh, Harry! Y-yeah, I've been here most of the day, I didn't really feel like going to class so I just bunked and came here instead. " Draco answered "Oh, well w-what have you been doing here all day? " Harry asked out of pure curiosity. "Well, I'm actually happy you came here cos I wanted to apologize to you about what happened at the infirmary. I realize that it's not your fault that you feel the need to do that, and that it isn't easy to stop doing it like I thought. My reaction was bad because I was worried, and I'm really sorry for getting angry at you, will you please forgive me? " Draco confessed. Harry was shocked by Draco's words at first, but then smiled once he processed what had been said "Of course I'll f-forgive you. I know you didn't m-mean it, so don't worry. " Harry said, comforting his nerve stricken crush. "Thank you Harry. " Draco responded, hugging him. Harry hugged back. The hug was a long one, neither of them wanting to let go. Why would they want to let go? Both of them were entangled in the arms of the one they love. Eventually though they reluctantly pulled apart, Severus looking at them in amusement. "O-okay then. Should we all go home then? " Draco said, his face flushed red as a tomato. "Sounds good" Severus replied, still wearing the same amused and somewhat smug expression on his usually emotionless face. They all rode home together in the car, chatting half the time and sitting in comfortable silence the other. Eventually they made it home and Harry collapsed on the couch falling asleep instantly. Draco did the same in the arm chair. Severus looked over the two sleeping boys with a soft expression on his face. He layed a blanket over Harry and another one over Draco, then stumbled off to his bedroom, falling asleep just as easily as they had.

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