"Hospital Bed"

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3rd Person pov
As Harry walked out of Snape's office he started to get that familiar but terrible feeling of numbness that he had felt after that awful nightmare. He quickly ran to his dorm then into the bathroom. He felt like he couldn't breath but at the same time he felt that he could breath better than ever. He pulled out the black box and pulled out one of his razors. He then started to cut.
1-for letting them know how weak you are
2-for being weak in the first place
3-for taking off your mask
4-for being alive
He kept going until he started to feel light headed but he wouldn't stop. Soon his vision became blurry and before he knew it he had passed out.
Harry's pov
I woke up with a huge headache. I looked around but all i saw was white. I recodnized this place as the infirmary. "Why would i be in the infirmary?" I thought. But then the memories of last night came back,the cutting,the blood,my vision blurring,and then blackness. I started to freak out "if i'm in the infirmary,that means that someone found me and brought me here! they know that i cut myself! But the better question is who would take time out of their day to bring me here?" i thought. Just then someone burst into the infirmary "Harry! Oh my god Harry! Are you okay! Why would you do that to yourself!? You could have died!" said hermione "H-hermione? Where am i? What happened?" i asked "Oh Harry! I was going to check on you because ron said that you came in looking really pale and emdiately ran to the bathroom. So i went and knocked but you didn't aswer so i knocked again but you still didn't answer and then i saw blood seeping out from under the door so i used the Alohamora spell to unlock it and you were laying on the floor with a knife in your hands and there were a bunch of cuts on your arms and you were passed out so i sent ron to go get maddam pomfrey and she took you here! I'm just so happy that you're okay!" she said,now crying "Oh...i-i'm sorry 'mione,i don't remember what happened last night,but i know that i didn't do that to myself. Someone else must have done it and then put the knife in my hands to make it look like i did it,but i assure you that i didn't,after all,i don't even have a reason to,my life is perfect." i lied. I didn't like lying to 'mione but i couldn't let her find out how weak i am "Oh! Well thank goodness,i was so worried that you had done that to your self! But it's still worrisome to know that someone would do that to you." said 'mione "Yeah...it is kind of scary i guess but i'll be careful so there's no reason to worry" i lied again. I'm getting really good at lying. Soon 'mione left and i was alone in the infirmary,until Draco walked in "Harry! I was so worried,i heard that you were in the infirmary but no one knew why so i came as soon as i could!" he yelled "Oh well...i'm fine i just got hurt...i guess." i said trying to come up with a good excuse,but i guess i can't fool draco as easily as everyone else "No,i know that you didn't just get hurt...you cut your self again.Didn't you?" he said "Well...i...yes,i did." i say "Oh Harry,you promised that you wouldn't." he said "I know but it's just...hard." i said "ok well just don't do it again." said draco,and with that he left.
Kind of a short chapter because today's my dad's birthday so i couldn't sneak away for that long! Sorry!

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