I've decided that i'm no longer doing titles 'cause i dumb AF

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Snape's pov
I left Harry's room but i didn't walk away,i stood outside his door listening to make sure he didn't try to hurt himelf. After about a minute of standing there i heard him whisper "N-no,i don't wanna anymore,i wanna stay" another moment of scilence "Y-yes..." he whispered,his voice trailing off. I barged into his room to see who was in there,but when i came in he was completely alone,and he looked scared. He started hyperventilating and i realized that he as having a panick attack. I ran over to him and hugged him tight "Shhhh,don't worry i'm here,you're okay" i whispered,stroking his hair. We sat there for who knows how long,me strokinghis hair and whispering reassuring words to him,and him just sitting there hugging me,becoming more calm every minute. Eventually we pulled away and i looked him in those sparkling emerald orbs of his "Who were you talking to?" i asked the question that had been on mymind since i came in here "N-no one..." he said,trailing off at the end "I know you're lying,i heard you talking,so tell me who was in here." i said in a stern yet soft voice "No one was in here,i was talking to the voice" Harry whispered "What do you mean?" i said,becoming more worried by the second "Fir a couple years now there has been this voice in my head that tells me to do stuff. It's the reason i started cutting." he said,louder this time "Oh...Harry that's not good. Hearing voices in your head that tell you to do those things is a sign of severe depression. You should have told someone" i said "Sorry..." he said "No,it's not your fault,but tell me,what did the voice tell you to do this time?" i asked "...Astronomy tower" he said "Oh..." i said,understanding what he meant "and...you were gonna do it?" i asked "...yes" he replied,and started crying again. I engulfed the small boy in a hug and let him go when i heard soft snoring coming from him,signalling that he had fallen asleep. I layed him down on his bed and left the room. Once i got into the living room i called my boyfriend,Remus,who happens to be a phycologist (therapist) and also Harry's godfather. "Hey babe. I need you to come home" i said into the phone "Why?" asked Remus "I'll explain when you get here" i said "Alright,i'll be there in a bit" he said and then hung up. About thirty minutes later Remus Apparated into the living room (for the sake of the story pretend that you can apparate on Hogwarts ground) I emediately engulfed him in a hug "What's wrong?" Remus asked in a worried tone "Sit down and i'll explain"i said. I got us both coffee and once we were both sat down at the couch i started to explain "You know how draco is my godson right?" i asked "yeah" he responded "Well recently draco came to me with disturbing news. It seems that he and Harry have solved their little rivalry and become more than friends which is great but draco has found out that at the muggle home that Harry lived at he was being abused and starved. Luckily there was no sexual abuse but there was a significant amount of fisical and mental abbuse. I emediately went to Dumbledore after finding this information out from draco and he emediately agreed to take Harry out of that house,Harry is now living with me but when i left him alone earlier so he could get settled i heard him talking to someone so i barged into the room but that scared him so he had a panick attack. Once the panick attack passed i asked him who he had been talking to and he said that for years he had been hearing a voice in his head that told him to do things like cut himself,oh and i forgot to mention that he does self harm and has been doing it for a long time,anyway so i asked him what the voice told him this time and he toldme that it had told him to kill himself by jumping off of the astronomy tower and he saidx that he had agreed to it so now he's sleeping and i called you because you're a phycologist,i cant deal with this myself,and you're his godfather so i thought that you deserved to know." i finally finished,a little out of breath from talking so much. I realized that Remus was crying so i hugged him tight "It'll be okay,we'll work this out" i said. Soon we both fell asleep on the couch,safely in eachother's arms.
sorry it's so short and sorry ihaven't posted in a while! But like i said in that last little warning thing (you better have read it!) i'm currently writing this story and another one and lately i've been focusing on tht one more.

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