finally posting again. i is stupidity

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3rd person pov
Harry awoke to the smell of pancakes. For a moment he got really scared 'cos he didn't recognize where he was, but that fear soon melted away as he remembered the previous events of yesterday and lastnight. He was really tired since he barely got any sleep, but he didn't want sev to think he's lazy and have another reason to get rid of him so he slowly dragged himself out of bed, wincing as he applied preasure to his arms making his cuts hurt. He got dressed in his school robes, setting out his only pair of casual clothes for when the day was over, and made his way to the kitchen where he found sev putting freshly made pancakes on a plate. "Goodmorning harry" said sev without looking away from the stove "G-goodmorning sev..." harry timidly said. Harry's shyness didn't suprise severus at all, kids who had grown up in unstable homes where one wrong move meant pain were usualy very careful and nervous, and severus had expected that harry wouldn't warm up to and trust him emediatley. He knew it would take time. "Sit down and i'll bring you your food." said severus in a soft tone. Harry began to have a debate inside himself "I...i am really hungry's only one pancake. I can eat it." harry thought to himself "No. Even just one measly pancake will add to your weight." said the voice menacingly "What do you mean?" harry asked the voice "Yes you shouldn't eat because you don't deserve to, but it's also because you're already fat and ugly enough. You don't need anything to eat." the voice said. The entire time harry had been having this debate with the voice severus had been watching him, and finaly decided to say something "Harry." said severus. Hearing his name being called snapped harry out of his trans "Is it the voice?" asked severus, already knowing the answer "Wha- H-h-how did you know!?" harry practicaly yelled, scared of what severus would say "It was kinda obvious. Your whole face read "fighting with a voice inside my head on weather or not i should eat"." said severus in a silly voice. This earned a little giggle from harry, which made severus smile "Now. I know that voice is trying to convince you not to eat, but it's quite obvious that you haven't eaten in too long so ignore that stupid voice and eat to your hearts content." severus said "B-but-" harry was cut off by severus "No buts! You're going to eat. Understood?" severus said in a sweet yet comanding tone. Harry knew there was no way out of this so he sat down and allowed sev to place a plate of pancakes infront of him. He began to eat and then remembered something. He swollowed his bite "Hey sev? I-i thought i heard another voice other than yours from my room lastnight.Was someone here?" he asked, trying to hide the fact that he had been out of his room "Oh! yeah. He's still here actualy, he's sleeping in my room. He' boyfriend." sev said, sounding embaressed "Cool!" said harry "But...uhh...he's also your godfather. You met him once when you were a baby but you probably don't remember him and haven't seen him since." sev said. Harry wasn't too shocked by this information, he had heard the dursleys talking about some godfather he had (i'm aware the dursleys don't like to talk about anything related to harry, just go with it). Harry managed to finish his plate of pancakes and soon him and severus were on their way to class. Mid-way through their walk severus split up with harry and made his way to the dungeon where potions class was held. Harry made his way to the dining hall. When he walked in hermione and ron waved him over to the Gryffindore table, but when he sat down harry just didn't feel...right. He couldn't explain it but it just felt wrong to be sitting there, and for reasons unknown to him he couldn't stop looking at the slytherin table. Harry was broken from his thoughts when hermione started talking "Harry! No-one saw you in the dorms lastnight, and ronald said that when he got back all of your things were gone too! What happened!?" hermone whisper-yelled with a hint of urgency in her voice "She doesn't really care about you. She just wants to make sure that you weren't kidnapped. Can't have her precious becon of popularity going missing, right?" the voice suddenly spoke "I know...but i still have to go along with it." thought harry. "Harry! Answer me!" hermione suddenly yelled, releasing harry from the trans the voice seemed to put him in "O-oh! Sorry 'mione. I...Uhh...i w-wasn't feeling well and so i went to madam pomferys. Sorry." Harry lied "Ok, but that still doesn't explain why your things weren't there!" said hermione "O-oh,well...l-lately i've been really paranoid about p-people stealing my stuff for some reason so i brought all my things with me." lied harry, hoping she'd fall for it "Oh, ok then! But you don't need to worry harry, i'm sure no-one would do that." hermione assured harry, but deep down she knew something else was going on. Soon breakfast ended and harry was strangley releaved to get away from the Gryffindore table. He made his way to his first class of the day, Transfiguration. 
yo. i finally figured out how to read and post comments. I'm stupid. i'll actualy read and reply to your comments!


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