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Harry's pov
After draco left the hospital wing i sat there thinking "Should i do it now? I could just go to the astronomy tower tonight and end it,draco's mad at me now,and 'mione's bound to catch on to the fact that i did it to myself. But i want at least one more day here...i'll do it tomorrow night then,i'll go to the astronomy tower and jump off." i thought to myself "Why not do it tonight? Giving yourself one more day here is just giving yourself one more day of pain and suffering." said the voice "Aren't you the one who's always telling me that i deserve to suffer." i think in more of a statement then a question "Hmm...i suppose you're correct. Well then tomorrow night it is." said the voice. I got discharged from the infirmary around lunch so i just went back to my dorm  since i didn't want to eat. When i got there it was empty,or so i thought. I went to the bathrom to get out my razor but then remembered that hermione must have took it. I began rummaging through stuff to find my spare razor when i heard a cold voice from behind me "Looking for something?" said the voice,i whipped around and was met with long greasy black hair and cold eyes the color of coal,Snape. "W-why are you here?" i asked "I'm here because,as you are already aware of,draco has informed me of your situation,and when i heard that you were in the infirmary because of an 'accident' i knew exactily what that 'accident' actually was,so i am here to make sure that you don't do it again." he said,pulling my spare razor out of his pocket "I am also here to discuss your living arrangments since i was able to convince Dumbledore to remove you from the Dursleys" he said "Oh...okay then" i said "Dumbledore trusts me greatly and he was very keen on the subject of you living with me. I have no objections,so it is up to you weather you would like that or not" Snape said "W-what! Live with you! But don't you hate me?" i asked "No,i don't hate you,i'll admit that i did dislike you but that is only because i had always thought that you were a spoiled brat who was just like your father,but after hearing what your life is actually like i changed my mind so i no longer dislike you and you are free to come and live with me." Snape said,quickly "Oh,okay then i would love to live with you,proffessor Snape." i said "You can call me sev" he said quietly,seeming embaressed "Okay then sev!" i said "You will be moving out of the dorms and into my quarters so pack your stuff,oh and take note that this doesn't mean i'll go any easier on you in class." he said "of couse not" i said. I packed all of my stuff and am now standing in sev's living room. There was a nice couch and a cozy looking armchair by the fire place. There was a fairly large table in the kitchen and there were also seats at the counter in the kitchen making it like a bar. There was a long hallway that had doors that lead to various rooms. "Follow me to your room" said sev. My room was fairly large but had nothing in it until sev waved his wand and suddenly there was a queen sized bed. I dragged my trunk to the end of the bed and set it there. "What color would you like your walls?" sev asked "Hmm...Slitheryn green" i replied,shocking him "But your a Gryffindore" he said "So? It's a nice color" i said "Okay then" he said,sounding proud. He turned the walls to a nice slytherin green and made my bed comforters a lighter green with silver lining. He made a book shelf and put in in the far corner of the room,he then made a wardrobe "We'll go shoping for casual clothes later alright?" he asked "Okay!" i replied in a childish voice "Okay then,i'll leave you to get settled,and one more thing,you can call me sev but when you're in my class it's still proffesser Snape understand?" he said "Yes sir" i said,and with that sev left and i was left alone in a new room thinking about how i would never have to go back to the Dursleys,i felt happy for once in my life,before the voice came "You know he just pitties you,right? The moment you slip up he's gonna get rid of you. He already took your razor,the one thing that makes you happy,and he didn't do it because he cares about your health,he did it because he knows it makes you happy and he doesn't want you to be happy. This changes nothing,you're still gonna kill yourself tommorrow night,understand?" said the voice in a menacing tone "N-no,i don't want to anymore,i wanna stay" i whispered "I'm simply helping you,if you stay then you're just gonna get more and more hurt,dying is the best way out,so are you still gonna do it?" hissed the voice "Y-yes..." i said.
Short chapter! Sorry but my mom is making me socialize,disgusting.       

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