Ch.15| The Fun Has Just Begun

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Allison's View

I bit my lip and backed away, my back hitting big brother Ed's chest. How in the world was...was Envy actually real?! Wasn't he just a figment of my imagination; a little piece of a dream that I had? He can't be real. It's impossible! He's supposed to be a figment of my imagination.

Envy chuckled, amused at the expression I had and fear I was giving off. He walked over to me slowly, his hand reaching out to caress my cheek. I flinched back. "Oh, Allison, are you afraid of me?" He asked.

I didn't bother answering his question. He knew very well that I was scared straight. My stomach was hurting from the force he used to knee me in the stomach. Envy laughed maniacally and brought his hand up to my forehead. He placed the palm on me, feeling for my temperature is what it seemed like.

"Oh my, you seem to be a little too warm!" He exclaimed with a large grin, "I think I can help you with that."

I backed away and shook my head furiously, my eyes burning with fear. The taste of blood was still in my mouth as I spoke. "No, get away from me! Don't you dare get near me." I shouted roughly.

Envy put his hands in the air and backed away, the grin still in his cursed face. "Okay, okay, calm down, Allison. There's no need to get so...violent." He stated.

I nodded hesitantly and looked back at Ed. His head was hanging low and his face had small splotches of blood scattered around. I frowned and traced my fingers across his face, the blood sticking to the tip of my fingers. I held my fingers up to my face and inhaled sharply. My head was throbbing in pain.


It sounded so static like. The noise was only irritating me even more than I wanted it to. I gasped in pain and held my head, backing up against the pillar big brothers body was laying against.

'S-Stop!' I begged at the pain overcoming me.

My eye flew open and I felt my consciousness fade away. It was like someone else was taking over my body. Then, that's when everything hit me. Rose, she was taking my place.

'Thank you, Rose.' I was grateful she was taking me away from Envy. I wouldn't have to see his face again. Well, for now at least.

'I'm sorry this is sudden, but I had to. I'll see you soon, Allison. I'll take care of this now.' She stated. She now had full control over my body. I was now the voice in the back of her head like she is to me.


I looked up at Envy, my eyes burning with rage. "Well, isn't it nice to see you again, Envy." I stated.

He laughed and cocked his head to the side, "Have we met before? I don't recall ever meeting you in person, unless countless research on you counts." He mused.

I clenched my teeth together tightly. I had the strongest urge ever. I just really wanted to attack him here and now. Sadly, I couldn't do that. Envy could be a valuable asset to the Military if I managed to take him in. Yes, I did switch places with Allison for good, but being in her body as I was a Lieutenant in the military really got to me. This is better for both her and the military. I can help out both and keep my pride.

"Yes, in my dreams we have at least." I said, swiftly raising my thumb to my mouth and nicking it.

Envy's eyes widened, "Ohhh, am I going to be able to see your oh so famous blood alchemy?!" He exclaimed, his eyes gleaming in interest.

"It seems like it." I muttered out bitterly, clapping my hands together and slamming them on the ground.

My blood swirled around my arm and to my fingertips. As it did so, I glared at Envy, the person who I was aiming for. My blood rushed out of my body and shot straight at him. He chuckled and ducked out of the way from an incoming bloody spike of mine. I narrowed my eyes more and focused all of my attention and strength onto him.

I wanted to hurt him for taking advantage of Allison and I in our dreams. For injuring my-- her brother. I had countless spikes of my blood shooting at him, yet none of them seemed to hit the target; Envy. They all were dodged or destroyed by his damn hands. He was pretty strong, a fair opponent.

"Can't get me, girly!" He shouted, running around.

I clicked my tongue and aimed at him once more, "Shut up!" I spat back.

After a few minutes of playing cat and mouse with him, I gulped and swayed to the side. The blood loss was starting to finally affect me. I cursed under my breath and brought my hands back to my sides, breathing heavily as I did so. I hunched over and struggled to breath. Dammit, I lost too much blood! This isn't good at all.

I fell to my knees and stared at up Envy. He walked over to big brother Ed and I seeing we were both in a weak state. I felt horrible just letting him see me in this kind of position. My eyes wandered over to Ed as Envy approached. I needed to keep him safe at all costs.

"S-Stay away from him!" I stuttered out, covering brother's body with my own. Even if I was smaller than big brother Ed, I managed to cover him up somewhat decently.

Envy smirked, "Do you really think you'll be able to protect that pipsqueak?" He asked me, crouching down to my height. He leaned in close to my face, his breath tickling my nose. "No one can help you."

My eyes widened as Envy wrapped his hands around my neck and gripped tightly. I sputtered out and tried my best to choke out any sort of words. But it was pretty much impossible seeing the situation I was in. Gritting my teeth together, I grabbed his hands and pried them away, slowly yet effectively.

I managed to smirk at Envy one last time before an explosion went off, pieces of the building falling from the ceiling and onto the ground besides us.

"You'll never hurt me, Envy. I won't let you." I croaked out.

The ceiling fell and landed right to the left of me. I frowned. Envy removed his hands from my neck with a scowl.

"Dammit, I guess it's time for me to leave." He muttered out as he looked around the now demolished building.

I was literally taking in as much air as possible. My throat was burning and it stung so much at the moment. "Aren't y-you going to run?" I asked him, curious to why he hasn't left us for dead yet.

Envy smirked and picked both Ed as I up, lifting us into his shoulders, "Oh, the fun has just started." He said, as he began walking.

I shut my eyes and let myself relax into the enemy's arms. My eyes dropped shut and I was out like a light.

"The fun has just started, my sweet, sweet Allison."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2019 ⏰

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