Ch.13| Reporting for Duty, Colonel.

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Allison's View

I walked down a hall, heading towards Roy's office. I was still having a hard time getting the fact that it was all a dream through my head. It felt so real! I swear that-- that all those words, wounds, everything I received in that dream was real!

Sighing, I walked a tad bit quicker, the heel of my combat boots clicking each step I took. Hm, I wonder why Roy called me to his office at this time? I have no clue what mission or chore he's giving me this time. Hopefully I don't have to clean the bathrooms again. Those are literally the only jobs he has been giving me lately.

I sighed and knocked on Roy's door. "Come on." Was his scruff reply.

I pushed the door open. Roy glanced up at me and motioned for me to get closer. I walked over to his desk and saluted.

"Reporting for duty, Colonel." I stated, firmly.

He nodded knowingly. "Allison, I have a task for you." He said.

I rose an eyebrow, "May I ask what this task is?" I asked, curiosity taking over me.

Roy nodded, his eyes hardening slightly. "As you know, we have a lead on where Scar could be heading, and from our last encounter with him. He went after you and your brother." Roy stated. "We need to be careful from now on, so I need you to lay low for a bit."

I nodded my head slowly, "That's not such a hard task, colonel..." I said, suspicion in my words. "What's the catch?"

Roy smirked, "I knew I wouldn't get this past you so easily." He said, shaking his head. "Well then, let me explain."

I nodded, urging him to continue. What exactly was I supposed to do to 'lay low'?

"Go on..." I muttered.

Roy frowned and began to explain everything to me. My eyes widened slowly at his words.


< Longish Time Skip >

I walked over to lieutenant Ross, "Hey, Ross!" I shouted, waving at her.

She turned towards me with a bright smile. "Hello, Allison! What do you need?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

I bit my lip, "Could you tell me what my brothers are doing by any chance? Roy won't tell me for some reason, all he said was that they were busy." I mused, crossing my arms.

Ross' eyes widened. "Oh, um, I can't tell you. Orders are orders, sorry." She stated, apologizing before walking away, leaving me to stand there awkwardly.

Ever since Roy told me my little task I had to do, everyone has been acting weird. Like they're all keeping something from me... I don't like it one bit. Even Rose has been trying to contact me. She's even tried to overthrow me so she could have my body for awhile. Luckily, I pushed her back.

All I really remember her saying was, 'Allison, listen to me! You need to find Al and Ed! They kno--'

That's it. Now I want to know what she had to say. I regret ignoring her... Rose has done nothing but help me out so far. I clicked my tongue and walked over to my apartment, yanking the door open. Why wouldn't they just tell me, I am a part of the military for a reason? What makes them think I can't keep a secret?

Hm, I'll find out one way or another. Just they watch. I'm not the baby they think I am.

I'm capable of so much more.


I apologize for the... shitty chapter. I haven't really worked in this fanfic as much as I hoped I would have. Fret not. I will still update this, however, I will try my best to do it regularly.

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