Ch.14| Homunculus

563 42 12

Allison's View

I frowned and walked through the military building, looking for Roy or anyone. Where was everyone? It was really empty, something I never saw in this building. Usually there was someone running around do a task their commanding officer gave them, but why isn't there anyone now? Might as well head back home... Just as I thought of turning back, I suddenly bumped into Lieutenant Ross.

"A-Ah, Lieutenant Rose!" She shouted, saluting quickly.

I raised an eyebrow at her weird behavior. She didn't need to salute. I'm the same rank as her... Weird.

"Um, hello there, Lieutenant Ross. What're you saluting for, we are the same rank, you know?" I muttered, eyeing her suspiciously.

She jumped, "U-Uh, yeah... I k-know that!" She shouted, nodding rapidly.

I nodded slowly. "Okay..." I said.

'Allison, do not trust her! She's keeping something from you! Get her to tell you or I'm coming out!' She shouted.

I frowned, 'Do you really think she's keeping something from us?' I asked, examining Ross' body language. I guess she did seem a bit off. She seemed to be shaking in nervousness.

'Do I really need to explain?! Get her to tell you, now!' She shouted.

"Lieutenant, why are you so nervous?" I asked, in a demanding voice.

She bit her lip, "Well, um, you see... I can't tell you." She said, boldly.

I glared at her, "What are you keeping from me, Lieutenant? Tell me now!" I ordered.

She shook her head, "I can't!" She shouted.

Reaching to my back pocket, I grabbed a small blade from behind me. I didn't want to do this, but I have to. I need to know what she was keeping from me. If Rose thought it was so important to yell at me, I know it's worth the risk. I'm sorry, Ross...

I placed the blade close to her neck, causing her to go stiff. "Tell me now." I ordered slowly.

"Put your weapon down, Rose. Don't do this..." She said, sweat dripping down her chin.

"No!" I spat, placing the blade directly on her throat. "Hurry up and tell me!"

She clicked her tongue, nodding slowly. "Fine, I'll tell you." She said, frowning. "Your brothers found out the truth..."

My eyes widened, sparkling in amazement. "You mean they found a way to get out bodies back?" I asked, gasping in awe and removing the blade.

She nodded, the frown still on her face. "Yes, they found out how to make a philosophers stone." She muttered, hanging her head slowly.

I grinned madly, "Really? That's amazing! I have to find my brothers!" I shouted, backing away from Ross, not noticing her eyes growing wide.

"No, Rose! Stop!" She shouted.

It was too late. I was running away from Ross like I didn't just put a blade to her neck. Brothers, I'm coming! Just you wait!


I stopped in front of some sort of laboratory, there was a dead military soldier lying on the ground surrounded in a pool of blood. I raised an eyebrow, what happened here? I bit my lip. Ed and Al can wait. I think this is more important.

I ran over to the entrance of the lab, only to see two people or things fighting. I ram inside. "What're you two doing-- Alphonse?!" I shouted, shocked, finally taking notice of Big brother Al fighting some guy in a suit of armor.

"Allison?!" He shouted, blocking a sword from hitting his armor, the clanging ringing out. "What're you doing here?!"

I furrowed my eyebrows together, "I was looking for you and big brother Ed, then I found of all places." I explained quickly, taking small steps towards him.

"No, Ali, stay away! Go though the vent over there and you'll find Ed! Just get out of here!" He shouted, waving his arm around.

I nodded and went towards the vent, seeing that it was already open. I took one last glance over at Al, frowning at the fact he was going to be fighting all alone out here with that dangerous looking man. "Good luck. I'll be back with Ed." I said, before crawling my way through the tight vent.

I grumbled under my breath, "No wonder how Ed got through here... He's so small like me." I stated, crawling faster.

"Hm, malfunction maybe?"


Ed! That was Ed's voice just now. I know it! I'm coming Ed. Don't worry. I glared forward, determined to go and help Ed from whatever was happening to him at the moment. The end of the vent was inching closer each second that passed. Then finally, I made it to the end of the vent. It was open already.

I leaped out and landed in a crouching position. "Ed, I'm here." I muttered, quickly standing up and running to where I heard the voices coming from.

There was laughing, "Oooh, lucky me!"

That voice...

I ran faster and saw that Ed was pinned against the wall. I ran even quicker, my heart beating faster in fear for Ed's safety. Just as a knee was to hit Ed in the stomach, I jumped in front of Ed's beaten body, taking the brutal hit for him.

I coughed, the familiar taste of blood tingling on my tongue. "Ed..." I muttered, my head hanging low. "You're okay..."

I heard him say something to me, but all I could do was look up. It was like my mind told me not to, but my body said otherwise. My eyes flew open in horror, seeing my worst nightmare in front of me.

He grinned, "Miss me?"

I shivered in fear, my mouth opening and closing in pure shock, fear, and surprise. No way...why!? How!


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