The sun shines bright
And the breeze is warm
But on this day,
My heart is tornI love you so,
More each day
And dream of a time
When I hear you say'Hello' at last
But here I sit
My eyes downcast
Knowing my sorrow will never passNever will
I hear you say
The words I long for
Each and every dayYou won't be there
For comfort while I wept
Or to me pull me up
From my dark deepEvery night
I lay in bed
And pray I see you
While tears are shedBut even in dreams
I'm denied
The joy of having you
At my sideNever will come the day
When my heart will quickly beat
As beneath the blooming blossom tree
We meetNever with your presence
Will I be gracedNever will
I see your faceNever will our fingers
Be lacedNever will your arms
Hug my waistNever will you hold me
In your warm embraceAnd never will your sweet lips
I taste