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(Please read!)
This is the first piece I ever wrote for my Hunter x Hunter AU, I wrote this in late 2020. Because it was the first thing I wrote for this AU, I kind of made it up along the way. I was just messing around and exploring the daily life of the four in this AU. So as you can expect, there is not really any structure or plot to this.
I have modified this a bit more to my liking so that I can post it. I didn't like a lot of the original, so I cut some things out and fixed some things. A few details about this AU have changed since I wrote this, so some things won't be carried into future stories. And once again, this is sort of old and it's not the best, so keep that in mind! Don't take this too seriously. I didn't even plan to post this originally, I just needed something to post.
** Every ". . ." indicates a POV switch.

Kurapika knocked on the door lightly with his knuckles, listening carefully for a response. He didn't expect a response as he knew the boys were probably still sleeping. But it was better to be safe than sorry; he didn't want to invade their privacy.
After no one responded, Kurapika carefully opened the door to the dark room.  He could hear Gon snoring softly from the bottom bunk bed. Kurapika flipped on the light switch.
"Gon, Killua, wake up. Leorio is going to take us to the park today," Kurapika said softly, walking over to their bunk bed. Gon's eyes shot open.
"Really?" he asked excitedly.
"Mhm," Kurapika nodded.
"Yay!" Gon cheered, sitting up quickly and bonking his head on the top of the bunk bed as he did.
"Owww," he groaned, hunching over in pain.
Kurapika lifted his hands to touch the metal bars of the top bunk bed, trying to peer in. Kurapika was too short to be able to clearly see into the top bunk.
"Killua," he said softly. Killua didn't respond or even move. He was a deep sleeper, and every morning they had trouble waking him up.
Kurapika stood up on his toes, trying to peer into the bed, "Killua, wake up. We are going to the park today."
"Ugh, I don't wanna go," he mumbled.
Gon quickly scrambled up the ladder, crawling into Killua's bed. "Come on Killua! It will be fun!" he urged, leaning over Killua. Killua only covered his face with his blanket in response.
"We are going to have a picnic, Killua. You can sleep when we get home," Kurapika tried to convince him.
"I don't care, I'm tired," Killua moaned.
"Killuaaa," Gon whined, shaking Killua a little. Killua kicked him lightly.
"Killua, it's your fault you stayed up late playing video games," Kurapika told him, getting annoyed. "And you kept everyone else up in the process," Kurapika mumbled.
Killua had loudly played video games with Gon the night before and kept Kurapika up. He was tired, but he wanted to take the boys to the park with Leorio nonetheless.
Killua put his pillow over his head.
Kurapika sighed, "Killua if you come with us, when we go to the grocery store I'll let you pick out any snacks you want."
Killua poked his face out of his blanket and smirked, "Deal." He sat up yawning. His white hair was especially poofy; it was like that every morning before he brushed it.
Gon moved his face close to Killua's, "Good morning Killua!"
Killua jumped slightly, pushing Gon's face away with his hand, "Ah-! You weirdo."
Gon smiled and hopped down from the bunk bed. He lightly tugged on Kurapika's sleeve, looking up at him.
"When are we leaving?" he asked excitedly.
"We aren't leaving for a bit. You two need to get ready first. Go get dressed."
"Okay! Killua hurry up!" Gon rushed over to his side of the closet.
"Hold on, man! I just woke up," Killua stretched his arms, still sitting in his bed.
"Boys, make sure to bring a jacket, it might get cold," Kurapika said, walking over to Gon to help him pick an outfit.
"No, I don't want to! I'll be fine without one," Gon said, pulling out his typical green shorts and shirt duo.
"Gon, you have to. You don't even have to wear it, just tie it around your waist," Kurapika told him.
"Nah, I'll be fine," Gon dismissed.
"Gon-" Kurapika started but was interrupted.
"Good morning boys!" Leorio said enthusiastically from the doorway.
"Good morning Dad!" Killua and Gon said in unison.
It was a running joke in the household that Leorio was "the dad of the house." Gon and Killua had given both Leorio and Kurapika nicknames shortly after they moved in together, Leorio's being "Dad," and Kurapika's being "Pika."  Killua and Gon thought it was hilarious. At first, Kurapika found it obnoxious, but it had started to grow on him. Although, Gon was a little too enthusiastic about it. He almost always called them Pika and Dad, and most of the time he didn't seem like he was joking.
"Did you beat that level last night?" Leorio asked, placing his hand on Killua's head, who was now out of bed.
"Yeah, but it took forever," Killua told him.
"Yeah, you should have stayed up with us and helped us beat it!" Gon said, turning to look up at Leorio.
Kurapika crossed his arms, "It was already loud enough with just you two boys. It would have been torture if Leorio joined."
"Eh?" Leorio said, raising an eyebrow.
"Killua and Gon kept me awake until one AM with all their yelling," Kurapika said, scowling.
Leorio laughed, "Well you don't have to come if you're too tired."
Kurapika sighed, "No, I want to come. I want to spend time together."
"Aw, I want to spend time with you too, Kurapika!" Gon said, looking up at Kurapika, his eyes gleaming.
Kurapika smiled softly. Although they could be annoying (and loud), Kurapika loved his friends. They all shared a house, so they sort of had to get along. For the most part, Kurapika enjoyed taking care of Gon and Killua and being with his friends. He would have never expected he would practically be a parent at only eighteen years old, but he didn't mind. Gon, Killua, and Leorio were like family to Kurapika.
After things had settled down in their lives, Leorio, Killua, Gon, and Kurapika had all decided to live together. They bought a house in a small town in the country and quickly moved in together. Leorio continued his studies to be a doctor, meaning he wasn't home for most of the day on weekdays. Which left Kurapika home with Killua and Gon, who he watched over. Kurapika enjoyed the calm and simple life, he felt a lot happier now.
"Well, you two focus on getting ready, alright? Don't forget to bring a jacket in case it gets cold," Kurapika said and he walked to the doorway. As he was walking, he stepped on a bag of chips on the floor, wincing in disgust.
He let out a sigh of disappointment. "Killua, Gon, you need to clean this room," Kurapika said sternly. He picked up the chips to throw away.
"C'mon, loosen up a bit, Kurapika! They are just kids," Leorio said.
"You can help them clean it if you want," Kurapika said sarcastically. He turned to look at Leorio. Leorio frowned slightly.
"Killua and Gon, please clean your room tonight," Kurapika said as he left the room.

Picnic / Hunter x Hunter One Shot / Family AU Where stories live. Discover now