Chapter 16 - A lost puppy named Yunho

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Oh, nobody's perfect, nobody's perfect
I must be on your side
Oh, what is happiness? What is love?
It's about understanding each other

- Ateez, Time of love

"So who is this Yunho guy you keep talking about?", Len asked as soon as Rory opened her eyes and saw she was in the hospital room again. Confused she sat up and blinked a few times. 


"You talk in your sleep, did you know that? So, is he your boyfriend?" 

Rory's cheeks reddened and she quickly turned away, pretending to search for a drink, while preparing an answer. 

"Uhm, no?", Rory replied not really convincing but Len already nodded in understanding. 

"Ahh, so it's complicated, I see." 

"No, it's just-", Rory said but didn't really know what it actually was. She felt something tingle in her body when she was near Yunho, a feeling she had never had before. Not even when she had kissed Changbin one time because of a bet. "I don't know how I feel actually. What even does it feel like to be in love?" 

Len flinched at this question and rubbed her tummy. Then she smiled sadly at Rory who just realized her mistake. 

"I'm so sorry I-"

"It's okay.", Len interrupted her. "It's not your fault my boyfriend is an asshole. Let me tell you something. For me it felt like I was in love with him. I really was and that made me blind to his flaws. But love can't be one-sided. It will ruin you, without you even noticing."

"So love can only work from both sides?", Rory asked interested. Of course it was too soon for her to say she loved Yunho. Actually she was quite scared to reach that point because what will happen if this all was not real in the end? Or if she would fail her mission? 

Len shook her head and pointed at her tummy. "I don't know who will come out of my womb. Hell, I don't even know which gender my kid will have, but honestly, I don't care. What I know is, that that kid in there will be showered with love. Maybe I will not seem like I do, but I will love it whatever it will do. I already love it now." 

"You're gonna be a good mom.", Rory whispered proudly, watching Len wipe away a tear that left her eye. 

"Stupid hormones.", she said smiling. "What I want to tell you is, don't just focus on the love 'love', okay? There are plenty types of love we receive. Your brother, your parents, even your best friend still love you. Maybe this Yunho guy will love you eventually, but don't be too focused on him, understand? You are loved by more people than you know. Trust me, they are worth it." 

"What happened?", Rory asked carefully, hearing Len's bitter tone. 

"I got too focused on him. Didn't spend time with my sister anymore, or my friends. Now, I'm all alone and I can't even blame them. It was my fault to let such beautiful people go. Don't make the same mistake." 

Rory waited a few moments before answering. Slowly she reached out for Len but their bed's were too far away. Len smiled sadly at Rory, trying to take her hand as well. Then their fingertips touched shortly and Rory couldn't help but smile. "You're not alone anymore." 

"How are you?", Jisung asked as soon as he entered the room. Awkwardly he sat down on a chair next to Rory's bed. It surprised her that he visited but at the same time it made her fell happy. 

"To be honest, I feel good.", Rory replied and she wasn't even lying. Jisung didn't know her that good but even he saw that she was telling the truth, causing a big smile to appear on his face. 

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