Chapter 38 - Missing puzzle pieces

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The promise I made to you that I would never stop
I'm still walking
No matter what difficulties may interrupt me

- With U, Ateez

The next week was so stressful for Rory she barely had time to worry about the boys. With the help of her parents Len and Rory went to the police to report her ex. It will take a while until he will face his punishment but Rory could see how relieved Len was. 

Both girls had shared a room these days but Len didn't want to bother the family in their small home. Indeed, the house was barely big enough for four people to live in, not to mention five. Rory knew that but didn't want her friend to go. 

When Rory told Yeonjun about this, he immediately had an idea. So now, a few days later, Rory, Chan and Len were standing in front of a big, old house. Chan had given Lennie a few of his hoodies which were comfortable for the pregnant woman and one could see he truly cared about her wellbeing. 

"What a coincidence.", Rory whispered when she read the name tag. Then she ringed the bell and a moment later the door was opened and Rory recognized a boy she hadn't expected to be here. "Wonbin?" 

"Rory!", he yelled and hugged her waist before pulling her in. Confused, Lennie and Chan shared a look but still followed them. 

Wonbin lead them to a big kitchen where an old women already sat at a table. When she heard footsteps she lifted her head and smiled brightly. "Nice to meet you, I'm Ms. Choi." 

"Lennie.", Len answered a bit nervous. The older woman ruffled Wonbin's hair. 

"Yeonjun, a friend of my grandson, told me about your situation since the two of us live alone in this big house. I'm glad I can help you." 

Len was visibly overwhelmed while Rory had to use all her braincells to understand what was going on. So Len would live with Jongho's grandmother and Yunho's brother? The hell? 

Ms. Choi smiled at the girl's reaction and when she glanced at Rory she immediately recognized the girl from TV. "Of course my grandson will live here as well, but it's still big enough for four people." 

"Five!", Wonbin added, causing Ms. Choi to smile. 

"You're right. Yunho will move in as well. It's probably better for him and Jongho to be close to each other." 

Len looked at Rory in worry. In the hospital Rory had told her about her dreams and later about Yunho. Now that they were back, she hadn't gotten the chance to ask about it. Judging by the sad look on Rory's face, it wasn't something good. 

While Chan was playing with Wonbin, the girls inspected Len's new room. It was small but enough for the woman. 

"It's nice.", she said and smiled. "Though I'm really thankful to you for letting me stay at your place for a while." 

"How are you going to pay the bills?", Rory asked worried.

Len's smile faded. "I won't be able to work for a while but I hope my savings will be enough." 

"You know if you need help-" 

"-I can come to you, I know.", Len finished but Rory knew her friend already that well to know she wouldn't come, which worried her even more. Len sat up again. "Now tell me everything what happened in your dreams."


Len rolled her eyes. "The boys are back after three months. On top of that am I the only person who knows about this, so I'm sure it would be good for you to talk about it." 

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