Chapter 37 - Well, that's awkward

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Thankful for every moment by my side
For always being there
I know that even the moment I'm tired on a rough day
You made me smile 

- The Letter, Ateez

When Yeonjun and Rory stepped out of the bus to the hospital, they once again spotted the reporters at the entrance. Not wanting Rory to feel uncomfortable again, Yeonjun pulled her to a side door. 

"You can read, right?", Rory asked amused, trying to hide her fear. Yeonjun nodded. "You know it says 'Authorized personell only'?" 

"I do.", Yeonjun replied. "But I don't care." 

The both of them entered the hospital. It was easier than Rory had thought to sneak out of the room into the hallway with no nurse or doctor seeing them. While they made their way to the boys' room, Rory held onto her school bag tighter. 

Of course everyone had seen what happened to her. Some students mocked her for being so weak, others avoided her like usual. Not even Mr. Brunner said something to her, he only gave Rory a look she couldn't read. Rory noticed he glanced at the parking lot often during class, amusing her. Luckily Rory didn't have to deal with annoying classmates since either Haknyeon, Changbin or even Yeonjun made sure they were next to her, not even giving Rory a chance to feel sad. Haknyeon even guarded the girls restroom. It was a weird look to see the three of them together but Rory would have to get used to it. 

"We're here.", Yeonjun announced and Rory flinched. Her whole body was trembling and she wasn't able to look at him. Rory knew neither of the boys would remember the journey they had gone through, so she had to act like she didn't either. 

Yeonjun stepped into the room and as soon as he saw the boys, he smiled. Behind him was Rory who wasn't able to look up. She felt looks on her and knew she was embarrassing herself. Then someone ran up to her and hugged her tightly. Wonbin. 

"Rory!", he yelled happily and smiled brightly. "You were gone when I woke up. Where did you go?" 

"I-", Rory started, not sure if her voice would crack or not. "I had to help a friend of mine." 

"Oh. Anyways.", Wonbin said and pulled her to the back of the room. The moment Rory looked up she saw him looking directly at her. Rory stopped breathing and faked a smile when she sat down on a chair next to him. 

Yunho hadn't noticed Rory at first but the moment Wonbin ran up to her he couldn't stop looking at her. He had to admit she was more beautiful than he remembered, at least in his eyes. He spotted the scars on her body and had to think of his own. 

For some reason Yunho couldn't stop looking at her, his heart beating like crazy. Embarrassed he avoided her eyes and his gaze fell onto Yeonjun talking to Wooyoung and San. They came here together, huh? Yunho felt something in his chest, a feeling he hadn't known before. 

Rory turned away from Yunho, not able to bear the pain. When she looked up again, she was met with Jongho's worried eyes. "Are you okay? You are pretty pale." 

A smile made its way on Rory's face. "I'm fine. How are you?" 

For some reason Jongho knew Rory was lying but he didn't know why. Something felt familiar, the way she smiled. "I don't like hospitals so it feels like I'm a prisoner here, to be honest." 

"I get what you mean.", Rory replied, slowly getting her hopes up they would become close friends again. "When are you allowed to leave?" 

"In a few days probably.", Yeosang answered, having overheard what they had talked about. Then he rubbed his neck in embarrassment. "I'm sorry if I was a bit harsh to you a few days before. I-" 

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