chapter 28

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Chapter 28

The End?

Finding a moment of reprieve before landing atop another bridge adjacent to the towering fortress, both Link and Zelda's moment lost in each other's eyes had been cut short. And before they could catch their breath from their miraculous escape, it was robbed from them again. To their shock, they were thrust from out of the frying pan and into the fire. They were now in an even more frightening situation from where they escaped. As they loosened from each other's embrace, they found themselves staring face to face with the dark harbinger of Ganon himself, Malroc.

"There you are, princess..." The beast smiled, catching both of their attention from across the way. His arms were slowly unfolding from being crossed as if he was expecting her. Waiting for them all along. The beast gleamed at them both, just steps away from where they landed.

Instinctively, Link forced Zelda behind him on the bridge for her safety and struck a defensive pose with his blade and hatchet. "Damn..." Link said low, cursing their situation.

He felt his power begin to wain from his wounds and exhaustion. Battling Malroc now while maintaining her safety would be an impossible feat. But, he made himself ready nonetheless.

Malroc smiled and let out a harrowing roar of a laugh. "Thank you, hero! You have brought her right to me. How wonderful...I am truly in your debt."

"Good luck with that, not a chance!" Link retorted.

Zelda trembled, stepping back from Link. The fear in her eyes glistened as she saw the condition Link was in. The battle had taken its toll on him thus far, and in her heart, she knew that even he had his limits. But, before she could tell him to consider otherwise, Link took another step forward. It would seem the battle had begun whether she liked it or not.

"Let's finish this!" Link said with a smirk, channeling whatever strength he had left for another round with the demonic spawn of Ganon.

But, before he could make his first move, he was struck with a pulsating wave of mind-crushing pain. His whole body coursed with a dark current of energy. Soon engulfed by a black cloud of electrifying red lightning. His veins bulged, popped, and glowed a putrid crimson. Sickly and demented, his flesh went.

Link collapsed, dropping his weapons to the ground beside himself as he fell to one knee. All the while, the great Titan watched eagerly, crossing his arms yet again in delight as he saw the scene unfold before his eyes.

Link grunted and wailed as the pain intensified to a fever. His whole body went numb, hot, and he began to tremble uncontrollably where he knelt. There he squeezed his head as raging thoughts of evil intent poured into his mind and soul. It was as if he was possessed by dark, unrelenting force.

Mortified, Zelda screamed from behind him. "What's wrong!? What's happening to you? Linnnnnnk!" She said before shooting a quick dead-eye stare back at the foul King of lynels up ahead on the bridge. "What are you doing to him!? Stop! Stop it!"

Malroc only glanced to them both and reveled in the moment, letting out a low chuckle that reverberated the whole bridge, shaking it to its foundations. His minions began to pile in from around him.

Zelda ran up beside Link, confused and distressed, unsure what to do. Her heart sank, and the despair of losing him again forced her voice into a pitch none had heard before. Her worry was at its height that it has ever been watching him suffer so.

Zelda shouted and pleaded. "Link! What can I do? Please, what is happening? I don't know what to do to help you! Oh, Link!"

Under his breath, Malroc spoke to himself. " Ahh, I see...Now I understand...Yes, what a wonderful revelation indeed...With this new development, I won't even have to retrieve her make this, all too easy...My little...Hylian friend....heh heh."

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