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⌜ chapter fifteen ⌟

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Letty takes a deep breath as she closes the last box full of her things from what was once hers and Eric's bedroom. He's currently on campus going through his classes, so she's at the apartment to pack up her things and move them. She hasn't seen him since they broke up, and she's in no hurry to change that, knowing how much it'll hurt.

"Is that everything?" Alec asks as he picks up the box that she just closed.

"I think so." His sister nods as she glances at him. "I wanna take one more look around, make sure I didn't forget anything anywhere." She tells him, and he nods.

"Alright. I'm gonna take this down to Reggie's truck." He then turns around and walks out of the room.

The brunette sighs as walks toward the window, her fingertips skimming over the sheet covering their mattress. All she wants is to rewind time so that she can be with him again, lay down together while they talk and laugh, cuddled up for hours. But she knows that she can't, and that she'll never be able to be with him like that again.

She stops next to his dresser as she looks out the window, and her hand knocks into a picture that Eric has of himself and his siblings, making it fall over. Sighing, she picks it up to place it back in its spot, but her movements fall short when she sees the little velvet box that was sitting behind the picture frame. Her eyebrows furrow as she sets the photo down and picks up the blue box, then she hesitates before opening it.

Her breath catches in her throat when she sees the engagement ring; it's a thin silver band with three diamonds — one in the center with smaller ones on either side. It's beautiful, and her dark eyes fill with tears as she looks at it.

"Hey, the car's packed and ready to—" Reggie stops when he sees Letty standing there, staring at what's in one of her hands while her other hand covers her mouth. "Scarlett?"

When she doesn't move, he walks over to see what's captured her attention. His jaw goes slack as he looks from the ring to her tear-stained face, and he rests his hand on her shoulder. He gets no reaction from her, so he reaches up and takes the box from her, shutting it and then leaving it on the dresser where he assumes she found it.

"Come on, Scar." He wraps his arm around her shoulders before guiding her out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him as they go.

After getting all of her things back into her old room at the boys' house, Letty lays down on the bed and squeezes her eyes shut as she tries not to cry. Seeing that ring was like a hard blow to the stomach, and it knocked down the wall that was holding back the pain of losing Eric.

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