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⌜ chapter twenty-one ⌟

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"What are you doing here?" Lina asks as she looks up at Letty, who just walked into the theater for the play that they're doing at the college.

She shrugs as she sits down next to her. "Alec kicked us all out of the house, and I didn't know what else to do...and I may have heard that Eric's in the play." She admits, staring up at the stage.

"You know you're not doing yourself any favors here, right?"

"I've always been there to support him. I don't...want everything to change." She tells her. "I'm not gonna tell 'im that I'm here. That's why I came in so late, why I'm sitting in the back."

"Can I point out the irony of him playing Romeo?" Lina asks, and she looks at her, not seeing where she's going with this. "What? Oh, come on — lovers forced apart because of the differences in where they came from. It's not that big a stretch."

"Except that our breakup has nothing to do with our parents."

"No, I'd say your dad is pretty heavily involved in what happened." She argues. "And, you know, if Mr. and Mrs. Matthews hadn't raised such a pansy—"

"Lina." She looks at her again, eyebrows furrowed in disapproval.

"What?" She questions. "One new detail about your past, and he lets it completely level your entire relationship."

"It wasn't exactly a small detail."

"Whatever you say, Juliet." She hums, and Letty shakes her head as she looks over at the stage; the play is about to start.

It goes on for awhile, and Eric does really well in his role. Jack's in the play as well, and the boys are both doing a great job. Lina's impressed, and Letty isn't the slightest bit surprised.

Jack's walking off stage with a group of other characters when Eric sneaks on and crosses the stage to push him. Jack turns to face him as Lina leans toward Letty, whispering that she's gonna make fun of them for the tights for the rest of their lives.

"Mercutio slain?" Eric — Romeo — questions as the two start to circle each other. "Fire-eyed fury be my conduct now. Now... Tybalt, take the villain back again, for Mercutio's soul is but a little way above our heads, waiting for thine to keep him company. Either thou or I or both must go with him!"

"Thou wretched boy—" Jack — Tybalt — shakes his head. "—that didst consort him here shalt with him hence." He says as he draws his sword, prompting Eric to do the same.

"This...shall determine that." He says, and then the two boys lunge at each other.

After the play ends, there seems to be a lot of buzz about Eric's performance. The director gives him a bouquet of flowers, and Letty smiles as she watches him up on stage, clapping for him. He starts talking to the actress who played Juliet, holding her hand as they walk to the front of the stage. His smile seems fake, and Letty misses most of the conversation because of the noise, but she catches the part where he calls her Mrs. Eric Matthews right before handing the bouquet of red roses to her.

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