Chapter 1: Big Brother

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We start this story in the middle of the ocean, the waves slowly growing bigger as they passed by a large lighthouse. The waves crashing against the moss covered bricks and barnacle covered stairs.

The lighthouse itself stood high and sturdy as a strange light source sat on the top of it, which was being held by what appeared to be an angel with its wings held up high.

Underneath this peculiar looking light house sat an underwater metropolis, known as Rapture. But although it may look nice and well kept on the outside, it had nothing but death and destruction within.

The man who built this, 'Underwater Utopia' was known as Andrew Ryan, the man that always said, 'In the end, what separates a Man from a Slave? Money? Power? No! A Man chooses. A Slave Obeys. Let me ask a simple question, are you a Man or a Slave?'

This simple quote set his plans into motion as he wanted people to earn their rewards through the 'Sweat of their own brow' instead of receiving them through another person.

He built Rapture to ensure that the inhabitants within it were able to speak their minds and do what they wished to do without others telling them not to...but that is what brought Rapture down, along with its inhabitants as they mutated into hideous beasts, roaming the halls of Rapture looking for ADAM.

Now we enter the depths of the ocean as we see the 'Utopia' itself. The bolts on the outside having already flown off due to the pressure and the glass of the halls and windows having cracks on them as water leaked through, though they never filled up with water.

In the distance, grunts and growls could be heard in a room that was at the end of the glass hall. After a few seconds had passed, screams were heard from behind the closed iron door and then silence.

Then the iron door opened revealing an person in leather armor with iron plates covering a majority of his body, along with an iron divers helmet and large oxygen tanks on his back, having tubes come out of them and into the helmet.

The porthole of the helmet was the color yellow as the strange figure walked through the glass hallway with loud and heavy steps that reverberated throughout said hall. The figure then looked at the reflective glass window of the hallway, seeing his reflection looking back at him.

He looked at the attachment on his left wrist and watched as the Splicers blood dropped off of the blade and the ADAM dropped off the syringe

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He looked at the attachment on his left wrist and watched as the Splicers blood dropped off of the blade and the ADAM dropped off the syringe. All the while his suit was covered in the Splicers blood.

He cranked a few knobs on the attachment, which let the little tube that held the ADAM pop off the attachment and fall into the figures hand. He then clipped the tube to his leather belt along with two other tubes of ADAM.

He then unclipped an empty tube from his belt and attached it to the attachment and cranked the knobs the other way, locking it into place.

The figure looked back at his reflection and groaned before continuing down the hallway. He opened the other door and found an open area full of chairs, tables and booths lining the walls of the room.

Tear In the Deep (Bioshock 2 x Big Brother Reader)Where stories live. Discover now