Prologue: You May Find Yourself

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"One day." The words were so simple yet meant so much.

"You have one day all to yourself." Faraday was explaining the regular dos and don'ts of the day ahead. "Don't get into trouble, don't do anything you wouldn't normally, don't pick fights with people..."

Well, more don'ts.

The excitement was too much, she couldn't wait to go outside and see her friends again; confined within Acadia's monumental observatory had been a rough couple of weeks.

But now, CASSI was gone, and it was just Chloe.

I have one day all to myself.

"...remember to always stick to the roads unless there is a fight in the area and- "

"Faraday, you know she has traversed the island many times, she has grown up outside of Far Harbour." The old synth sat up from his modified chair, finally coming into view of the eager young synth.

"DiMA, you have no idea how much this means to me." The joy radiating from her words.

He acknowledged her with a nod before standing to say his goodbyes.

As they embraced, she held tightly to the sprockets of his modified back, the metallic, fragile nature of them was something she had come accustomed to whilst staying here.

"Thank you DiMA." The old synth chuckled in response.

"Now, go have your day."

With that and a 'good luck' from Chase, Chloe was out, free from herself for one day.

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The journey down the mountain and back to the relay pad was, for once, a pleasant experience. No more were those intrusive thoughts laid by CASSI devastatingly close to becoming reality. No more were the nightmarish daydreams haunted by the destruction and chaos she reigned.

With every step Chloe took, it felt like the weight had been well and truly lifted.

As she neared the corner, towards the small outcrop where the relay pad lay in wait for her return, the fog had parted immensely, showing the clear sky above and the sun, shining ever so brightly overhead. She would be happy this day. Happy to venture back into the Commonwealth and onto her desired destination.

As the relay pad lowly hummed under her, she entered the final command that would send her where she wished to go.

I have one day.

It was time to go meet some old friends in Eaden.

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