I Just Met You

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The walk to the building was short-lived.

Pretty soon Chloe was being ushered into the office belonging to the leader of the three men.

The man watched intently as she hesitated before entering.

The room was small compared to the Institute's standards. Cluttered with various books, papers, files, and cabinets. The dark, cherry coloured rug on the floor added to the cramped feel of the room. Towards the back sat a varnished spruce desk with intricate carvings laid into the edges. A desk lamp to the right of it, acting as a reading light to the documents strewn beneath. The dim illumination by the cool overhead light in the room served to make it feel less inviting at least.

Moving into the room himself, he noticed the woman had already sat down... in his chair. He cleared his throat, glaring at her in accusation.

She looked up, confused by his sudden fondness of the chair she had sat down upon.

She instead, awkwardly stood and moved around to the other side of the desk before he seated himself in said chair, continuing to glare at her.

Chloe was now forced to remain standing, seeming quite out of place in the small space.

"Right. Let's get this over and done with, shall we?" She stated towards the man, challenging his glare.

He abruptly interjected before she could speak, "How did you get here?"

For such a vague question, she went for a vague answer, "You walked me seemingly, to your off-"

"How did you get into this facility?" The question was poignant.

She directed the question back to him, "I do believe that is of your concern, Proctor. It is not a matter of how, but why. Why do you want me here in this facility?" She leaned forward onto the desk; the same glare reflected back on her face.

"Why else. You are obviously here to obtain information from this place, are you not?" He remarked, sinking into his chair, hoping his wicked aura would make his potential victim falter.

It did nothing to affect her stance, so he moved on to the next logical question, "Who are you working for?"

He was struck with no response, though a response would've yielded more valuable information. He narrowed his eyes before continuing.

"I will ask again. Though if you refuse to tell me..." He smirked darkly.

"Oh, I'm with Vault-Tec." She cheerily replied, smiling sweetly. "Would you be interested in one of our state-of-the-art vaults?"

Before he could question her statement further, her smile had fallen into a frown and she had changed her attitude, "No, I'm Jangles! The moon monkey! Who do you take me for Proctor?"

He was taken aback by this sudden mood change, though it didn't show. His mind wandered, as did his words, "I would love if you co-operated...it would be so much easier if you answered less."

"Would you like to tell me why I am here?" She asked sternly, disregarding his 'menacing' implications.

Unfortunately, it was he who made no effort in responding, realising they were about to go into a perpetual questioning loop with no straight answers. So, he pushed the conversation into a different direction.

"Well, you must have a name, don't you?" He loudly exclaimed.

Luckily, he was given quite the detailed response.

"Indeed, I do." Her glare turning into a bored expression. Laced with a professional tone of voice, she slowly started to walk around the desk in the small space.

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