Deutsches Sol Kino

27 3 2

She let the unusual sensation fade from her body; the light fuzziness left tingling out her fingertips. A short, rather dull electric pulse came at the end, all molecules dispersed correctly back into a person. As it should be.

The light began to recede, the blinding, sun-coloured blotches fading from her vision.

Finally, everything would be back to normal.

Her eyes were still closed as she took in her first breath, stale air abruptly flooding into her lungs, though it shouldn't have.

Nor was the bright light from the sun seeping as intensely through her eyelids as it should have either.

There was no warmth at all.

Though there was certainly a wind blowing through some sort of building... What on earth was she in?

Had she gone back to the Commonwealth? Or had she arrived somewhere different in relation to Eaden?

A pit began to form in her stomach.

As she cracked an eye open to further inspect her surroundings and immediately closed it in disappointment, letting her head fall slightly with a quiet sigh.

She was nowhere near home. She was somewhere else now.

"Uhm... Where are we?" Came the gravelly voice from the American marine.

I'm still here! Why am I still here!

"A better question is– " began a slurred string of words arising to the question before immediately being cut through by the distinctly chipper tones of Dr Richtofen.

"When are we?"

"No! Where the hell is my vodka!" The Russian retorted.

As much as she wished to utterly destroy whatever shred of lucid sanity he had. This was far from what she actually needed right now. She had to remain calm. This quickly became a struggle as a single thought raced to the forefront of her mind.

Of course, the only thing on your mind is distilled potato juice you alcoholic twat.

It caught her off guard. Instead, she willed herself to stay absolutely still in hopes of containing this thought from being spoken aloud.

Luckily, no one noticed.

"Yes, of course! The DG-2 must have overloaded the teleporter, ripping space-time, back tracing us across the future! How wunderbar!" The Doctor's voice came close to cracking as he rejoiced in his machine's newly found ability.

And the scientist just confirming the teleporter can do radio-wave travel. And he said it could never do such a thing!

The Doctor's overjoyed cackling was cut short by the sound of vomiting.

Takeo had obviously keeled over.

A sturdy bottle clink hit the floor followed by more in unison, like Nikolai's entire bag had splayed on the floor with the noticeable liquid-y contents still locked inside their glass containers.

Why am I even here? Why did this have to happen to me? I would take living in the glowing sea over this. I would take anything over this.

"There's my vodka! Thank you, Takeo." She heard the man lift his vodka-filled bag, hefting it across his shoulder.

It wasn't until now that her inner stupor had become quite startling and quite loud.

I could just kill them. No.

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