Zombies. Zombies everywhere.

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Everything was suddenly happening.

All at once the eerily quiet facility sprung to life, or un-life.

The others scrambled to load their weapons: some trying for the pack-a-punch. Takeo was already in front protecting the steps with his katana in hand, waiting for the first of the horde to arrive.

The Doctor had mumbled something to himself as he casually walked down the side-ramp towards the rest of them, checking the clip of his mp40.

Dempsey had managed to get to the machine behind and had given it his gun. The whirring of the machinery sounded as it started to change his weapon, "C'mon if I wanted to sit around, I'd hang out with Nikolai and reminisce about the war!"

Suddenly, the man sprinted around the corner, bolting straight for the pack-a-punch, joining Tank in front of the device. A few of the creatures had been following not far behind.

"Come on already!" He urged, still somehow drunk. And now both he and Dempsey were furiously waiting for the machine to finish.

Not one of them had noticed the woman intently eyeing the situation in worry.

In all the sudden noise and confusion, Chloe had stood still in the middle of the platform.

She felt a hand firmly on her shoulder, "Hey lady! Grab a gun before those maggot-sacks arrive!"

It was Dempsey, who promptly pushed her back behind himself whilst Nikolai had now managed to give his gun to the machine.

She was for once, defenceless. No weapons, no watchful eyes to keep her safe, no friends that had her back.

She was among men who were from a time unlike her own, facing an enemy she had barely known existed.

"For God's sake, just give me the f***ing gun back!" Nikolai shouted, so focused on the drama with the pack-a-punch.

Out of time.

Out of options.

Who am I kidding, I'm not going to die!

She turned herself to Nikolai, who had received a carved silver and glowing FN-FAL. He looked incredibly happy with the weapon, chuckling to himself as he locked and loaded the gun in preparation for the horde... Before it was promptly snatched out of his hands.

He stared at where the gun had been only mere seconds ago, his now empty hands closing around a non-existent weapon for a few moments before balling them into fists and angrily staring at the culprit.

Chloe unfortunately was the one guilty for taking it.

Though his speech was slurred, he was incredibly angry that a woman he had only met recently would do this. "Give that back you b***h!" yelled the Russian, readying to charge at her.

"You have about 5 guns back there! Grab one and go!" Chloe yelled back. He turned to look at the guns situated within the inner chamber of the pack-a-punch, his rage dying almost instantly.

"When did they get there?" He sloppily questioned.

Then, the familiarity of the weapons caught on to Chloe, who suddenly realised what they were.

She tossed the shining weapon back to Nikolai, who was thoroughly confused at Chloe's actions, he walked in front of her towards Dempsey at the top of the steps. Chloe, meanwhile, rushed to put on the weapon harness, checking each gun clip was full, watching and listening for any more of the feral screeches.

The start of the horde was relatively easy, the men stayed guarding the mainframe, taking out the few that had approached and any faster ones that were among them.

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