This is Crazy

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The American marine wasn't the usual type to feel bad about a decision, but this one felt personal.

They had come into contact with another person, the only other living person he had seen besides his unconventional allies, in what felt like months... and he just handed her over to the sadistic, maniacal German.

It felt wrong; the thought of her screaming in pain, begging for the doctor not to kill her. Scarred, bloody and bruised. His insane laughter echoing as she cried.

And he would just be here, going about the same, routine practices since they had arrived here; patrolling the facility as if there was nothing wrong.

He knew that twisted man enjoyed other people's suffering too much.

And yet, he hadn't heard a thing from the others on the woman's condition.

The more he thought about her ill fate, the more it made him want to abandon the stupid patrol.

He could run up and kick that bastard's ass, get her as far away from him as possible. She'd be so grateful, probably just fall into his arms.

He'd be the hero that she wanted. No, needed.

But there was another feeling, gnawing at his insides...

It had been extremely quiet since they had linked all the teleporters. The silence of them after they had shut down, made it worse. It was too quiet.

No stragglers, not even the stray crawler. Nothing to suspect that the world inside and out of this facility had been trashed, raided, and left in ruins.

There was nothing to deduce that any undead plague existed.

As he walked around from the animal testing labs to the main courtyard, he mentally recited everything he saw to make sure nothing would sneak up on the group.

Fire, glass shards, dirt and gravel caked in old blood and sinew, rubble everywhere, the sight of someone sitting on the walkway next to the facility sign–

Wait a minute.

He glanced up towards the sign facing into the main courtyard. There on the edge of the railing, legs dangling over the edge, sat the mystery woman.

From a distance, she seemed unharmed.

The moon made her white skin glow unnaturally in the night; the light from above illuminating around her, giving her some sort of angelic aura.

She was staring at something off in the distance.

"Hey lady! Are you that chick from earlier?"

She looked almost in a trance, before her gaze lazily fell on him, and nothing was said in response.

"Uhm. Well, I was thinking about coming to check on you." He scratched the back of his neck with his free hand, looking away in embarrassment, "But I guess I don't need to do that..."

He looked back as she stood up, walking off to the side to leave.

"H-hey, don't leave! I didn't mean to scare you away!"

Instead, she made her way, climbing down from above to meet him at the entrance to the engineering garage.

"You wish to speak with me?"

It was a startling introduction, and unfortunately, he fumbled through his words, "Uh ... y-yeah, Hi!"

She again, didn't respond back.

He picked up the conversation in hopes of something less... odd. "I Just wanted to make sure you were doing okay, you going off with the doc and all... just making sure he didn't do anything terrible to ya."

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