In Another Part of the World

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A flash of light slammed down in front of the mainframe, the wires hanging above swaying lightly as electricity crackled around them. Another of the teleporters had been successfully linked and had given the two men a floating green munitions cache.

"MAX AMMO", A demonic voice declared from above.

"Ammunition for all comrades!" A jovial and drunk-looking man stated towards the other that had joined him down in the main courtyard, stepping off the mainframe.

"Much appreciated Nikolai," The man reciprocated with a nod in return, "How 'bout we go get somethin' to eat; I'm not doing watch on an empty stomach." Checking his weapon's clip as he went.

"I'll drink to that, hell I'll drink to anything," He replied as another man joined the two from the side ramp.

"Richtofen is requesting us to meet for what is to be done next".

"Thanks, Tak," gesturing for the drunk to follow, "c'mon Nikolai, guess food will have to wait a bit longer huh?"

The drunk, begrudging to join the others in favour of food, agreed on the condition that they would be eating something descent tonight... and that he would get more vodka.

So, the three men went off, making their way through the facility to listen what The Doctor had tasked for them to do.

A clock loomed over the main courtyard. In the eerie stillness of the night, it incessantly ticked in the background, never moving past 1:15.

... And 45 seconds.

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Unnervingly quiet.

The exposed overhead wires lightly sparking in the silence.

Slowly, energy running through them; A snake towards the mainframe, the wires creaking as the current lazily twisted around.

Life traversing the cables, branching out across the facility in search for its target.


The teleporter whirred to life as electricity pulsed through it.

The raw energy dancing around, flashing as electrical currents reached out into the air, grasping at nothing.

A figure began to form.

With a flash of light up to the heavens, Chloe had arrived.

Not where she wanted to be.

The P.A system rang out across the facility, "Teleport successful."

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The sound was heard from where the men were walking; the P.A. system telling them a teleporter had been recently used didn't help their nerves nor did the fact that there were only the three of them at this point in time.

Had Richtofen used the teleporter?

Yeah, he would do that considering how many times he had called them all useless in the past few days.

The youngest man of the three decided to speak up, "Hey guys, do you think we should go back and check if Richtofen hadn't just used the teleporter?"

The two men in front turned to face him. The idea was ludicrous yes, but there was no denying The Doctor's patience ran thin at the lack of co-ordination between the three men to link all the teleporters; it had been only two days and they had only just connected the third one.

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