Head Prefects

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It was no more than an hour later when the door slid open again. Immediately Harry's hand sought out his wand from within his robe, knocking Ginny slightly with his determination to snatch it up, but he stopped when he saw the figures standing before him.

A girl with straggly blonde hair stretching down to her waist walked in accompanied by a boy with short brown hair. A magazine was grasped within the hand of the blonde and she waved a small bag around the room before she actually moved to step inside. The boy glanced at her for a moment in what could only be described as mild admiration before following her into the compartment.

"Hello Luna, Neville." Harry greeted.

"What's happened to you guys?" Neville asked motioning to Harry's drawn wand.

"Malfoy." Ginny and Ron said in unison.

"I just saw him down the far end of the train telling off some first years." Neville informed them.

"What's that Luna?" Ginny asked kindly. Luna held up her bag, scrutinising it for a moment before passing it to Ginny.

"It's a bag of herbs." Luna explained, "It keeps away the Kneegles. You can have this one if you want, I can easily get another one from Daddy."

"Kneegles?" Ron asked.

"Yes, Father discovered them while we were away on holiday. They're little creatures that look like flies and they fly around the room emitting bad feelings. They like fights you see." Luna took a seat opposite Hermione and unfolded her magazine. "Father wrote a whole issue on them. Would you like to read it?"

"It's all right Luna." Harry said quickly, he would never quite forget reading his first issue of The Quibbler. Needless to say he had not decided to become a subscriber because the magazine had been more of a test to his brain capabilities rather than an actual entertaining read.

"He says he sorry by the way Harry." Luna informed him, "For turning you in. He says you must understand that he would never have done it if it wasn't for me."

"What about us?" Ron cried pointing at him and Hermione. "He turned us in as well."

"He's sorry about you two as well." Luna said quickly.

"Oh Hermione, McGonagall wants to see you up at the front of the train." Neville remembered.

"Thank you Neville." Hermione smiled, "Should I take my trunk?"

"She didn't say." By now Neville had taken up a seat beside Ron and he quickly lost track of the conversation when he began trading chocolate frog cards with the ginger-haired male. Ginny shot Hermione an apologetic look.

"I'll take it with me." She decided pulling it down off the racks but she wasn't a hundred percent sure who she was dictating this to. Grabbing the handle she picked up Crookshank's cage and turned back to us. "I'll see you in the common room later?"

"Sure." Ron replied, he dropped a kiss onto Hermione's lips and she wrapped her free arm around his neck and pulled him up towards her. It made her blood boil as the heat of the kiss flooded through her body. That was one of the things she loved most about her tall, freckled boyfriend - the way he made her feel when they were together and how no one else could make her feel like that. At times Ron bemused her and confused her; he said things to her that hurt and sometimes he appeared to have absolutely no clue about Hermione and how her mind worked, but sometimes he surprised her with his love and it was moments like that that she lived for.

"What was that for?" She inquired pulling away.

"Just to help you remember that I love you."

She flushed red, her cheeks warming at his adoring words and she leant in to press another kiss to his lips before grabbing the trunk handle again and walking out of the door. The corridors were still empty but the sounds of life could still be heard behind the closed doors. Students were mingling with their friends, gossip and stories from the summer holidays were being traded and Hermione could hear a few games of exploding snap taking place also. The cracks and yells and whoops were loud from both sides of the corridor and Hermione grinned gently before pushing on up the corridor.

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