The Battle Of Hogwarts

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<----------------------------------------- Vote because Noooooooooooooooo! CLIFFHANGER XD!! And you get to find out what happens next quicker XD 


I felt a hand brushing my neck and I groaned as I slowly awoke. Just feeling his hard chest pressed against my side and his arms holding my body to him filled me with joy that I had never experienced before in my life. His fingers trailed over my hair before tangling in it softly. 

"It's been an interesting school term." He murmured; his lips pressed against my hair felt so soft and inviting I almost wanted to turn and kiss him. I didn't though. I let him continue confused over what he was about to say to me. 

“I changed, for the better I hope.” He started, “I lost a lot of friends but I think I gained some new ones. I brought a muggle-born home and then stood up to my mother for her. I discovered that my father is being finally taken to trial and, I discovered, that that was a good thing. The strangest and the most important thing that has happened to me was that I fell for you Hermione, I fell in love with the stupid, pathetic mudblood who became the only person I could dream of being with. I don’t know how it happened, or why but I’m glad it did.”

“I love you too Draco.” I love you so much.

I turned my head, finally bringing my lips up to his face. We broke away seconds later and just lay there as we rested in his bed. The sunlight filtered through the blinds at the far end of the room and Draco rubbed his hands up and down my arm.

“We’re going back to Hogwarts today.” Drake reminded me. I sighed unhappily. Back to school meant back to Harry and Ron with their hatred for Drake. Back to the memories of Yasmin and the hurt on Ron’s face as we went anywhere they had been.

“I wish we could stay here for longer.” I admitted. Drake froze next to me. I had said the wrong thing, hadn’t I? Then I felt him squeeze me reassuringly.

“Do you really want that? Because you could, you know… When we finish Hogwarts.” Draco stopped in the middle of the sentence and I felt him tense as he waited for my answer. This was so unlike Drake, putting everything on the line for one little thing. I liked it.

“Draco, I would love to.” I smiled as he pushed me softly and climbed on top of me again. His eyes met mine once more and although they were the same as they had always been, it wasn’t the nightmares that sprung to my mind but the memories of us together: when we had first shared a ‘moment’, when we had first kissed, our first time. No eyes meant more passion and love to me than his.

“Good, because I’d love you to, too.” Drake replied. He brought his lips back to mine and I felt all the happiness from our first kiss mirrored in this one. Like I did every time we kissed.

We broke away again and he rolled over pulling me on top of him. I let out a girly giggle as he clutched my hips.

“I want to wake up to you every morning.” Drake informed me, “It always makes the day ahead look so much cheerier than those days I don’t see you.”

“Maybe one day, I will be there by your side.” I whispered and he kissed me again quickly before pushing me off him slowly. He clambered off the bed and stood before me dressed only in his briefs as he held out his hand for me.

“We have to get ready.” He prompted. I shook my head at him in embarrassment as I let him pull me from the bed. Drake’s t-shirt that I was wearing had slid all the way up my top and it dropped awkwardly, creased almost everywhere on it.

We began to get ready and, to be honest, it would have been a lot quicker if we hadn’t broken off every few seconds to share a kiss or, sometimes, to even remove clothes that we had just put on.

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