The Library

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22/06/16 - whoops sorry for the wait!

The next few hours had seemed like a dream to Hermione; a terrifying nightmare of a dream and she'd found herself at a loss of what to say, what to do.

Now that they'd heard Professor Trewlaney's prediction, it was obvious that the Death Eaters were attempting to bring Voldemort back. The only problem was that they had no idea how they intended to do that. In the hours that had passed, Hermione had scoured her brains for any spell that would allow the Death Eaters to bring him back. But she drew a blank. No spell had the ability to do that.

Instead she found herself sat in the Gryffindor common room with Harry at her side and Ron and Ginny sat across from them, both of them wearing the exact same look of disbelief on their pale faces.


Hermione nodded mutely.

They'd been repeating the same thing for the last ten minutes but Ron seemed unable to wrap his head around it. The happiness had long been leeched from his expression and all that was left was a horrid mix of fear and despair.

She just wished that they'd been able to hold on to that happiness for a little bit longer.

"How?" Ginny asked a moment later and Hermione turned to Harry for confirmation before she was shrugging.

"We don't know."

"You don't know?"

Hermione's stomach turned as she let out a small nod. It was a horrible thought and only led her to believe how truly dark the magic must be that they were going to use to resurrect him.

The fact that Hermione didn't know, was frightening.

"There's a lot of magic I don't know," She reminded them but the looks on their faces said exactly what Hermione was thinking themselves.

"He's not coming back. We'll stop him. We have to stop him," Ginny spoke quickly, confidently, but the quiver in her voice spoke wonders about her fears.

"Who's not coming back?"

They whirled in their seats, eyes falling on the wide-blown eyes of Seamus as he glanced nervously between the 4 of them. Hermione bit her lip, gaze dropping.

"It's nothing, Seamus-" Harry protested but Seamus was quick to interrupt again.

"It's You-Know-Who, isn't it? He's coming back again."

"Seamus, it's okay-"

"He can't come back."

"We won't let him." Harry's voice was firm. Final. Hermione was reminded once more of why so many people had put their trust in him over the years. It was the same reason she had made him the leader of Dumbledore's Army – it wasn't just his history or his skill when it came to Defence Against the Dark Arts, it was the power held in his words. It was his power.

"We'll find a way to stop him, Seamus," Hermione promised and her soft voice brought with it the comfort that the other man needed. "Just like we did last time."

"We don't even know that he's going to come back," Ginny piped up. "They're just rumours and there's no way to bring people back from the dead. Not really."

It took a few moments, fear-filled moments when Hermione was sure that Seamus wouldn't calm, but then Seamus' features relaxed and he nodded. "Okay."

A couple of awkward glances passed before Seamus was nodding again. "I'll see you later."

The four beamed after him as he turned on heel, heading away deeper into the common room towards where Hermione assumed Dean was waiting.

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