The Slug Club Party

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<------------------------------------------------------------ vote because I updated just after I finished work :/ 

I slowly opened the door and slipped in before closing it softly behind me. Turning to survey the room, I saw that the party was already in full swing. Dancers littered the small space that had been created in the middle of the room and The Weird Sisters latest song (Rock that Unicorn) was pouring out of speakers that had been set up around the room.

Then the whispers started as people noticed me stood by the door. If it was bad that I was late, my eyes were also puffy from crying. It reminded me of the time that Ginny had come in to a meeting of the Slug Club after a bad argument. That had been when she and Harry weren't dating and she was out with Dean.

I stood there awkwardly, my hands clasped in front of me while I searched the room for his face. I saw him at the back and a smirk rose to his face as he saw me. It slowly dropped when he realised how upset I was.

He excused himself from his conversation with Professor Slughorn and started to make his way through the crowd towards me; not that he needed much help, the crowded parted like the red sea to let him through. They all stood staring as he drew closer to me before stopping in front of me. His gaze examined my body and then he held out his hands.

Eagerly, I stepped into his arms and he wrapped his arms aroundme pulling me into a hug. Just being in his arms made me instantly feel better and I rested my head on his shoulder as he rubbed my back comfortingly. His red hair brushed against my face causing me to pull a funny face and I stepped back.

"Come over here." He said and taking my hand he led me over to the far corner. "What happened?" He demanded as soon as we had sat down.

"Draco. He never really liked me." I explained and the tears spring back to my eyes as I recalled the memory. "He was only using me as part of their plan to bring the Dark Lord back."

Ron gasped and he squeezed my hand softly. "I told you he was a jerk Hermione."

"I know but I didn't want to believe it. He really seemed to have changed."

"I guess he was layering it on thick to get your attention. Don't worry about it, just enjoy your night." He told me and I nodded.

"Hermione!" Ginny squealed as she came bounding up to us, "You got here- what's happened?"

I quickly repeated what I had told Ron to Harry and Ginny and then again to Luna and Neville when they came over. They were shocked when they heard the prophecy (Neville and Luna) and they were really angry when they heard what he had done to me and why.

"That's strange." Luna commented, "I thought he was changing. He doesn't call me Loony any more - just Lovegood..."

"And didn't he get beaten up by Goyle for defending you?" Harry remembered.

"And I haven't heard him call you mudblood once this year!"

"He hasn't been tormenting any of the younger students either." Neville pointed out, "I heard he was staying away from all the trouble and actually working this year."

"Maybe you did change him Hermione, just not quickly enough." Ron said slinging his arm around my shoulders. I smiled, grateful of my friends comforting words, but I couldn't be unhappy.

My head and my heart ached with a pain that couldn't be healed with kind words; whenever I shut my eyes I could still see his face from this morning as he told me that I was important to him and the feel of his body against mine- it made me sad knowing that I could never witness that feeling again.

"What are you doing?" I looked up to see Yasmin stood before us, her Hazel eyes blazing as she glared down at me and Ron. I shoved his arm from around my shoulder quickly and gazed at her nervously. "You're supposed to be my date Ron, not hers! I've been waiting for you by the punch for the last 20minutes!" I didn't realise we had been sat talking for that long and Ron hurriedly excused himself before going out onto the dance floor with Yasmin.

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