Welcome To Charming

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Hazel's POV

I slowly opened my eyes to see my mom quickly packing up her bags in tears. "Hazel get up we have to leave now" she said urgently. " mom what's going on?" I asked "GET UP AND GET YOUR BAGS AND LETS GO" she yelled with raging teary eyes. I nodded as my heart beat out my chest. I grabbed my jeans and shirts then shoes and finally my laptop and phone along with the charges. As we put everything in my moms car I heard her let out a frustrating yell. She finally drove out the driveway. "Mom what's going on?" I asked "your uncle is in danger and so are we unless we leave" she said. "What do you mean?" I asked as I saddened of the thought of him dying he was the only man I ever knew as a father figure. "When we goto charming everything will make since it's a six hour drive so get some sleep. I nodded as my eyes slowly drifted off and closed.

Jax Teller POV

"Damn it jax for once can you listen out for me?" I heard Jessica yell on the other side of the phone. "No I can't Jessica something is always going on with you and you always come to me instead of your brother" I said in a monotone voice. "You know Jackson you can at least be a father" she angrily blustered. "Father?" I whispered to myself "Jackson bye" she said hanging up. "Who was that?" my mom asked walking out the trailer "it was Jessica" I whispered " Jessica Blake" she said "yeah her..she's coming to charming for a while I guess" I said "why what happened this time?" She asked "it seems her brother has really got in some trouble and Jessica is afraid this is going to be the one that hurts her" I said my mom nodded. " I always loved Jessica but you had sex with her just to get to her brother" she said walking away.

Hazels POV.

I yawned slowly waking up as we passed a sign named "charming". "Mom where are we gonna stay?" I asked "motel for now but I'm gonna go look for a house ok" she said tapping her finger on the steering wheel. "Hey hazel I need to tell you something" my mom said in almost a whisper " yeah mom?" I said. "Your father.... He's here" she said letting out a deep breathe "you said he was dead" I whispered feeling my stomach cringe. "Baby I lied I had to protect you and he would've never let me go he lives for why we are running" she said. I got confused "baby it will all make sense but for now we won't see him he has life and a family" she said putting on a stern look. I felt a tear slid down my face he had a family something that was rare for me. "Don't be upset" my mom said rubbing my back I nodded.

As we arrived to the motel it was 1:34 pm still early noon. "Hazel I'm gonna go get some food at the local market bring the two suitcases in the room and stay until I come back" she said I nodded she suddenly kissed my forehead and hugged me.

Jessica's POV

As I walked to my car I made sure she was in the motel. I headed to the TM I never saw the day I'd be heading here again. As I drove into the gates I saw the motorcycles lined up. I got out the car and saw eyes look my way. "Anybody gonna tell me where dickhead Jackson teller is or his bike?" I asked a guy got up an went inside. I looked around the lot I saw the reaper "I'm not to far from shaking hands with you" I whispered to myself. Suddenly I saw two stone cold eyes that were wicked blue. "Well hello jax it's been 16 years" I said "what do you want and why are you here?" He asked. I grabbed the papers that I've been waiting to give him for 16 years "here it's what you'll probably want to see you've already dodged 16 years no need to miss anymore" I said as he snickered. Jax snatched the papers from hands "you always have some type of shit going on with you and it's gonna stop now" he said staring at me. He opened up the papers to see Hazel Tellers birth certificate. He suddenly grabbed my upper arm and guided me into the club house. "This place looks the same" I said "why didn't you say anything you call for anything else but not my daughter" he said in a angry voice. "She's my daughter jax your just a sperm donor you used me to get to my brother now you care jax" I said almost in a sob. "Jessica this isn't about your brother it's about my daughter do you think I give a flying shit about you and your brother the only thing I want is my daughter". "Jax you'll never see-" before I could say anything jax cut me off. "Don't threaten me are I will put two bullets in your head" he said grabbing his gun from his pants. "Take it easy" I heard Gemma's voice. She walked over to us and hugged me. Gemma and I always had an relationship that was motherly and daughter like. "So what are you doing back?" She asked "jax tell her" I said walking out the door.

Hazels POV

I got out the shower and felt refreshed. "Hazel baby you alright?" I heard my moms voice "yea just took a shower" I said. I walked out of the bathroom and my mom felt my head. "Baby have you been having a headache?" She asked "some what I'm just feeling a little weak maybe I'm hungry" I whispered "I'll order some pizza" my mom said grabbing her phone as I sat on the bed. "Matter fact lets go to Hanna's" she said gabbing her purse "what's that?" I asked "a restaurant I use to go there after school" she said with a smile. "Change" she said pointing to the bathroom. I decided to wear a black skater dress and tan flats and let my hair be in a sloppy head bun. As we drove to Hanna's I notice my mom pale as ever. "Mom what's wrong?" I asked "it's nothing sweetheart" she said "it is something since we've only been here for hours and something is wrong" I said she sighed "is it about my father?" I blurted her hands tightened on the wheel. "Hazel your father is a bad man he does bad things he doesn't have an heart he will never love you like I will he may say it but no action of his will ever show it" my mom said in a sob. I felt my stomach sink I didn't wanna cry so I just shook it off. "An don't think your ass is off of school because I will be calling charming High soon and your better keep up my bad ass reputation" she said I started to laugh. As we arrived I Hanna's I noticed a line of motor bikes across the street. "Umm this town is odd" I whispered to myself. As I walked inside I then saw men at a long table with vest that said 'sons of anarchy'. As my mom walked next to me I noticed she tensed up as as looked at the table of bikers. "Isn't that Jackson's old washed up p-" the man couldn't finish it as my mom jumped into his face. " WHO IN THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM SON I WILL RIP YOUR FUCKING FACE OFF AND EAT IT DONT YOU EVER DISRESPECT ME" she yelled I walked behind her as the man looked shocked and I saw a man with brutal blue eyes laughing. "Mom lets just go" I said grabbing her hand. "Mom" I heard a guy whisper as his eyes lingered over to me. My mom caught on to the mans eye with a deadly glare. Suddenly the guy got up and walked around the table "Not now jax" my mom whispered but the man continued I walk over to us. "Mom lets just go please" I said grabbing her hand trying to avoid trouble but she stood still. "Hazel" the man said I nodded slowly. "I'm jax...teller" he said grabbing my hand I felt that feeling again in my stomach "your father" my mom said as her eyes showers pure hatred. "No.. You abandon us you do bad things you belong in jail you didn't even care if I existed all these years now you make a appearance into my life like nothing ever happened I'm sorry but don't have anything else to say" I said as tears lingered down my mom looked at me as her face shower no emotions. Suddenly jax grabbed her and pushed her onto the table and grabbed from his pants and pointed to my mom. "OH MY GOD STOP" I shouted rushing to my mom and trying to push jax away. "Jax stop" I heard a Irish voice say. "No she has fed Hazel lies about me" he said with crazy eyes. "Killing her will make me hate you even more.. I HATE YOU JACKSON TELLER YOUR DEAD TO ME DONT EVER COME NEAR ME OR MY MOTHER OR ILL CALL THE ATF" I shouted. Suddenly every member head snapped toward mines when I said ATF. My mom slowly got up as I saw tears in her eyes "Jackson Teller I'm sorry if you hate me" she said grabbing my arm as we walked out the shop.


As we arrived to the TM I saw my storming towards me. She grabbed my arm like a child and rushed me into her office and slapped my face. "What the hell is wrong with you?" She yelled I didn't say anything. "Hazel is your damn daughter...Killing Jessica will only make her push away even more and you don't know what that girl has been through Jackson" she said in pure anger "what do you mean?" I asked as I felt my eyes burn "she was beaten Jessica had a boyfriend and he beat on Hazel when she was 14 and think she called you two years ago and you turned her away" she said sighing.

Hazels POV

My mom had been in shower crying for a hour now I could hear her sobs. I laid down an closed my eyes wishing this night mare would end.

Jax Teller's Biracial Daughter (Sons of Anarchy)Where stories live. Discover now