Run my heart around

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Hazels POV

As we took off I clung onto juices stomach feeling his abs. "YOU OK?" I heard juice yell over the engine "yeah I'm's just got damn I've never done something like this" I said I heard him laugh. As we glided through town he pulled into a pizza place. I slowly got off of the bike he held my hand making sure I got off safely. "I heard you start Charming High tomorrow" juice said opening the door like a gentlemen "yeah... Not to thrilled about it but hopefully it's fun" I said settling down in the booth. "You know your dad isn't you know bad" juice suddenly said he caught me off guard " just because he isn't bad doesn't mean that he does good things to people" I whispered. Juice out his hand into my thigh making me blush and making me quiver.


Juice just took off with my daughter when he comes back Im gonna slap that damn head so hard his tattoos are gonna touch. "Jessica" I said walking into Tigs dorm I heard sobs. "Sh..she hates me" jessica sobbed out "no she doesn't hate you just because you and her have an disagreement doesn't mean that she automatically hates yah" I said settling next to her "but she said she didn't need me" Jessica said "we both know that's a fuvking lie she was just upset so don't front about it just let her get her space...and you an leave now lockdown is over go clean your pussy cause it stinks" I said laughing at the end of my sentence she didn't stink I only wanted to lighten the mood "JAX!" She shouted punching my arm.

Hazels POV

When we were done eating I sighed juice looked up at me. "What?" He asked "it's just.. I come rolling in charming and suddenly everything is just ripped away from people... I mean my dad has a family while my mom is just throwing it away I don't understand anymore" I said "you do understand you just don't want to understand" juice said getting up "come on we are heading back" he said I nodded. As we rode back to the tm I couldn't help but to squeeze into juice a little more. We pulled in I saw my dad and Clay sitting outside suddenly my dads face turned angry almost like fury. I got off the bike quickly I heard juice mummer something. "Dad chill out" I said he pushed me to the side waking to juices face "she's not to be on the back of anyone's bike I thought I made myself clear" my dad said angrily before juice could I reply my voice just came out without manners "he took me for ease me up all you care is about protecting and this club I don't know much about this but you can't have it both ways" I said "if you weren't stuck up here all my life maybe I could've been the one on back of your Harley" I said walking away suddenly he roughly grabbed my arm. "Who do you think your talking to?" He asked I was a bit taken back but I wasn't having it "you Jax teller the guy that got my mother pregnant as if it were a game and didn't give to shits about her" I said suddenly he let go and started to pace I saw gemma walking outside toward our way. " better learn how to talk to me because I'm still your after I can still beat you into a new family" he snapped angrily. "What's going on?" Gemma asked "you know what have a nice life I tried with you jax teller your worser than my mother at least got a chance to meet you and your criminal life because I won't miss your sorry ass ever!" I shouted my mom rushed to my side .

Hours passed as me an my mom settled in my new home. 'Home was where my uncle was' I thought. I got off of my bed and walked to my closet I grabbed a red plaid shirt with some leather skinnies and a white crop top and to top the look some white chicks and put my hair in a sloppy bun. I did my morning routine and walked down stairs where my mom and TIG were eating each other face off. "Good morning" I said they quickly pushed each other off. "Yeah yeah I already saw you eating each other's face off you may resume" I said my mom slowly got up. "Come on its your first day in charming high" she said bubbly. I didn't eat in the morning so she knew not to ask as my mom drove me to school and we passed the TM I sighed. "So you are upset with your father" she said "yeah I am but I don't plan on going to him he's gonna come to me" I whispered "your just like your father you both think alike I'm glad I didn't raise you with him you would've probably been the most disrespectful child in America" she said with a light laugh. We pulled to the school where students were everywhere. "Mom I don't wanna go" I said "sweetie you never do goto the front say your name and your all good" she said I nodded.

I got out of my moms car immediately people started to stare. I sighed grabbing my bag tighter walking inside the building. As I walking I suddenly fell down "WOAH...I'm sorry" I heard a husky voice say I looked up to see a pale face and moles and killer brown eyes. He stuck his hand out and helped me up "it's ok" I said "your new" he said "yeah" I said starting to walk away. "Can I take you to the front office?" He questioned "why not" I said we started to walk and as I looked up we made it to the office it was sort of small. I walked inside and to the secretary "Goodmorning I'm Hazel Teller transferred student " the lady nodded suddenly her face paled when teller left my lips. She rushed and gave me a schedule. "Nice to meet you honey" she said. "So your a teller" the guy said "I don't know your name" I said "Dylan or deez nuts" he said with a laughter I wanted to laugh but it was to early for laughter. As the day flew by it ended up being the end of the day.


It's 3:05 and I'm picking Hazel up from school. She's my daughter I have the right to piss her off. As teens started walking out I looked at what Hazel was wearing in gods name what was Jessica thinking of letting her out like that. I saw a guy a scrawny one no man features but he could swoon her over. Hazel saw me her faced dropped the guy next to her pointed to me and she laughed. "Hazel lets go" I shouted she patted the guys shoulder walking away. She slowly walked over to me. "What the hell are you wearing?" I asked "clothing" she said with a harsh voice "you could be wearing std now get on and I'm taking you home to change I better never catch you wearing anything like this again" I snapped she nodded her head and slowly got onto my bike.

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