Family Time

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Hazels Pov

"So Dylan what are your intentions with my daughter? My dad asked as my eyes widened "Well sir nothibg bad just a friend... for now" Dylan said causing my mom to awe. There was a loud knock at the door making our heads snap to the direction. "Stay right here" my dad said getting up glancing at my mom. "Jessica!" My dad shouted "Your brothers here" I felt my heart shift. "I had no idea I was meeting your uncle" Dylan said anxiously. "I wouldnt scare you like that I didnt even know he was coming" I said reassuring him putting my hand on his. Dylan started eating again "So Dyl why are you so charming? I asked "Only princesses find me charming" he laughed. My parents hadnt returned to the table as 30 minutes passed. "Well I should be heading out before my mom sets out for me" he said getting up. As we walked to the door he slowed down looking me in my eyes "Hazel Teller" he said hugging me and kissing my cheek. As he exited I shut the door behind me sighing . "Hazel" I heard uncle Mac's voice. I rushed to the living room. First sight of him and I hugged him tightly "I missed you so much" he said "I missed you too unc" I whispered. I didnt know what to say as we stood up in a silence "Hazel its going on 10 and you have school tomorrow" my mom said I nodded walking away "Kiddo aint yah forgetting something?" My dad said "No" I said unsure he gestured me over and I went to him to get a bear hug causing me yelp. "My hug" he said making me laugh "Okay okay" I shouted as he stopped. I ran upstairs.

Jessicas Pov

Hazel went up then Jax face dropped "Cut the bullshit" Jax angrily said looking at Mac "Jax stop it" I warned "Dont you have a hooker waiting for you?" Mac questioned "Why are you here around my family?" Jax said Mac started laughing "Now you give a shit" he said dramatically. "Both of you stop it.. Mac what is going on?" I questioned "Had a bad completion but Im gonna get out the game Im ready fo rest" he said sitting down "What the fuck are you doing here with my daughter is!?" Jax shouted "Fucking relax before I kick your ass I had a long day I dont need you questioning me" Mac said. "Mac .. theres food on the stove and the guest room is down the hall" I said sighing he nodded getting up.

"Jessica" Jax warned "Jax hes my brother" I whispered "and you know what he does Hazel is old enough to understand" he said "Jax I cant talk about this right now" I sighed "Figure this out by morning" he said but he never walked away. He walked closed and touched my face as his other arm pulled me closer and he began to lean in "Jax" I moaned out "No this cant happen" I said "but it always will" he said kissing me.

Dylans Pov

"Where were you?" My mom asked "Hazels" I said "The new girl?" She questioned settling on the couch. "Whats she like?" "Everything about her seems perfect shes everything I ever wanted" I breathed out. "Hazel I want to meet her" "Would you like to meet Mrs.Teller too?" I questioned ger face suddenly dropped "Teller!" She shouted "Dylan you are not to see that girl" she said turning to me "Mom but shes new her dad wasnt in her life until like days ago" I said " So what anyone in a radius of a Teller or those bikers die " she said "Mom just because dad-" she cut me off getting up "your father was a good man but that club got to him do you understand" she said touching my arm. "I wont let it get to me" I said trying to convince her but mostly myself.


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