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Some days in Charming were the best to the worst. Honestly I missed my true home this new life is for strong people not people like me. MY father is a criminal and normal doesnt exsist to him. My thought were raming all at once as I sat on the roof said to be my fathers spot. "Hazel" i heard my name I turned to see my dad " yea?" I replied "your moms lookin for yah " he said I sighed heavily getting up. "Why do you look so stressed?" He questioned " I wanna get away from here " I said climbing down the ladder.

Jessicas Pov

" Tig.. stop being so difficult we can still do this together " I said grabbing at his arm " yes we can but this club is my life and my vp is up my ass 24/7 it can goto shit real fast " he said snatching his arm away. "So this is it ! We are done?" I questioned holdig my posture "As good as dead Jessica" he said walking out of the room. I felt the buldge in my throat as tears were trying to surface. " MOM " I heard Hazel yell down the hall "DAMN OT HAZEL ! WHERE ARE YOUR FUCKING MANNERS I TAUGHT YOU BETTER YOU KNOW BETTER THEN TO YELL IN THE MORNING NEXT TIME USE YOUR DAMN BRAIN" I yelled with anger. Hazel looked taken back " mom are you ok dad said you were looking for me?" She questioned " I just wanted to say we are going home in the 45 minutes and we wont be coming back her for a few days no questioning" I said she slowly nodded. She was so young and pure and this club would cause her to self destruct.

I walked out the dorm out to the garage to see Jax talking to a customer. He saw me and I guess he rushed the lady off. " we need to talk Jackson" I said he nodded walking us over to a bench. " Whats riding your mind?" He asked " me and hazel are gonna jet for a few days she needs some living outside of these gates Im starting to regret things " I said suddenly his face went red " Jessica-" I cut him off " Jax please we both know that this isnt good for her to be here all the time the club isnt her life its yours " I said my voice slowly breaking. " Jessica there is more your not telling me , whats wrong?" He asked inpateiently " nothing" I whispered getting up as the tears rushed down my face I felt Jax's embrace as he hugged me sympathy was something that he barely had. " is it Tig? " he questioned I didnt say anything as I clutched onto him a little harder " What'd he do?" He questioned I still didnt answer he sighed. "Ill come by the house tonight" he said I nodded.

Taras Pov

" Are you sure your willing to set up your husband?" The agent asked I nodded " we can get you and the boys out her by next week before we rave in on this case youll need to testify which will expose you" he said I nodded " Yes Im willing to " I said " here the plan...

Jessica' s Pov

I got out the shower putting on some tights and a baggy shirt with my house slippers. Hazel fell asleep after she got out on the couch she looked exhausted. I started to cook dinner which is shrimp pasta,steak and tossed salad and for dessert a devil cake. The pasta was already done about 45 minutes in and the Steaks were boiling in the mixture of liquids and the cake was baking. The bell rung which I knew it was Jax. Hazel stirred as I walked towards the door opening it " smells good " he said " go park you bike in the garage sir and come through the door into the kitchen. " I said he nodded leaving out once agan. I went back into the kitchen to fix jax's food and put it on the island with a bottled sprite. He walked in as I started to fix my own food. " do yah have a beer?" He asked " Its dinner time Jax no beer your gonna start pissing beer if you dont change your diet " I said he snorted while he started to eat. " Wheres hazel at?" He asked " she fell asleep on the couch she was to lazy to goto her room " I replied as I poured myself some wine. " how are Tara and the kids? " I asked he looked taken back " they are fine u is starting to get in trouble at school " he said wih smirk " ha jax stop being proud about that its not a laughing matter " I said.

The door bell rung it mustve been Hazel's friend Dylan. " whos that jess?" Jax questioned getting up " Its Dylan.. Hazels little friend" I said. Hazel beat me to the door as she let dylan in hugging him.

Hazel's Pov

" Hey dylan " I said as my cheeks were burning from smiling. " Whats up Hazel " he said. " Hi Im jax ..Hazels father" my dad said shaking his hand with a iron grip. " dad" I said giving him a look. " Im dylan..Mr.Teller" he said.

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