The Only Risk

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Im beyond furious right now they decided to have a shoot out when my daughter is walking target. "CLAY WE ARE HAVE QUICK RETALIATION" I said in a demanding voice. "No Jax that's what they want maybe they know about Hazel and Jessica being here and they know you'd be quick to do something" Chibs said. I looked at Clay with the Devils eye "we won't do anything now for the time being let the girls stay here and see what happens" Clay said walking to the door. "Hazel could've been injured or worse killed because of them and you want me to sit back for while" I snapped Clay just walked out.

As I walked out the room I saw Clay talking to Jessica. She was glaring daggers at him for what took place. "Me and Hazel are leaving tell jackson I said my daughter will not live the life I just dragged her from" Jessica said angrily. I walked quickly grabbing Jessica's arm "bullshit you both are staying here until farther notice I'll get Tig to take you your things" I said aggressively. "Don't talk to me like I'm child" Jessica snapped. I pointed to Tig he nodded. "Hazel" Jessica said Hazel walked to her mother.

Hazels POV

When we made it to the hotel I grabbed all of my cloths and stuffed it into my duffel bag. "Come on girls" Tig said my mom rolled her eyes. "Hey Hazel go to the car and take our stuff and wait" my mom said I grabbed all 4 bags and wobbled to the car.

Jessica POV

"Tig close the door now" I said he nodded. He walked in back of me and pushed me into the bed so I was bending his way. He pulled down my pants and slapped my butt making me moan. He started kissing my neck "make it quick" I snapped he laughed. Suddenly he jammed into me making me scream and clutch the bed sheets.

Hazels POV

It's been 20 minutes he probably pissed my mom off. I saw the door open and my mom slapped him and said something he laughed. "You ready?" My mom asked getting the car "yeah" I said with a little yawn. When we arrived back to the TM I saw that there were more motorcycles and a police car. When me and my mom walked into the building the officer looked at my mom then me. "Jess" he said in his heavy voice "David how yah been ?" She asked "fine you look-" he couldn't finish when Tig butted in "eatable" he said licking his beer bottle. Men started laughing at his joke. "That's enough" the older man said as the cop left. Gemma walked over to me and my mom "this is my husband Clay" she said I looked at him he looked intimidating "hi" I said shyly "Hazel" he said said with a nod. "Are you trouble maker?" He asked "what's the fun in that if I spoil your thoughts?" I asked he laughed walking away.

As the night went on there was a party but I was in my dads room on my laptop watching American horror story.

Jessica's POV

As I swayed my hips against Tig and his erection I saw Jax turn his head my way I put my head down. "Put your head up unless your wanting something else" Tig said "not in. Public we have to be careful Tig you know that" I said "why not it's no fun when we are safe" Tig said nibbling on my ear. "Look my daughter is here and the last thing I need is her questioning my absence" I said. When I lifted my head I saw jackson right in front of me. "Tig" Jackson said Tig walked away snaking my butt. "What Jax?" I asked "you will not hook up with a member when my daughter is what 45 feet way from you" I said. "It's none of your business" I said "my daughter is my business" Jax snapped walking off.

Hazels POV

I heard a knock on the door and saw that it was Juice once he opened the door. "Hey bought you some pizza and a soda thought you might be hungry...this is the cleanest I ever seen this room with a comfortable vine" juice said handing me the box. "You can stay and watch American Horror story with me instead of catching and std" I said he smirked and sat on the bed next to me and started to wiggle around to get comfortable. "so who were those guys that shot up this place?" I asked "Mayans... The club hads it cons and its pros we aren't the bad guys if we are doing good things Hazel " I nodded. "So why were the policemen here?" I asked trying to dig a little deeper "they are just noisy snobs" he replied taking a bite of the pizza. Suddenly a sex scene came on and my eyes went wide when I skipped through it. I heard him laugh I slapped his shoulder "oh my god" he laughed out "well that was refreshing" I said as my cheeks got this weird sensation. "So your into pornos" he said laughing even more "no that's gross" I whispered. "Hazel how old are you?" He asked in his heavy Brooklyn voice "16 turning 17 in two months" I said he nodded.

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