Truth Be Told

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Hazels POV

As I awoke I heard my mom on the phone "yeah the house looks perfect I'll stop by at 12:34" she said hanging up with a sigh. "Get some clothes on we have a tight Schedule put on something comfortable we are going furniture shopping and clothing" she said in a chirpy voice. "Ok" I whispered getting up and I did my usual morning things I felt my throat itch and I made a disgusting noise "HAZEL WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT THAT!" I heard my mom I laughed. As we got Into the car I saw a bruise on my moms arm. I didn't like when my mom got hurt because of me.

We slowly pulled up to a two story house. "This may be our new home Hazel" she said I nodded. I got out the car and walked to the front door with my mom along my side as I inhaled the spring scent.

Flashback ( Jessica POV )

I groaned as I awoke and felt a rush of fire in my throat as I vomited or the sixth time in two days. "Yo Jessica I'm taking you to the doctor something's wrong with you" I heard my brother say. I weakly got up as I threw on a sweat shirt. As we made it to the hospital I slowly walked behind my brother in the emergency room. As hours passed I finally heard my name be called I got up. As I walked into the room I saw Tara knowles I sighed not wanting the bitch to touch me. "Mam how are you feeling?" She asked "obviously like shit" I stated Tara took a deep breathe "have you been sexually active or?" She asked "yeah your man I took a swing a couple of times not bad for a redneck" I said sassily she suddenly got in my face "look if you came here to harass me you can leave!" She said stomping to the door " tara I'm not sorry but I will stop please just help me I've been vomiting every five seconds" I said loud enough for her to here she looked at me and rolled her eyes and nodded. "Go in the bathroom and pee in the cup" Tara said handing me the cup. I got up almost falling to the floor grasping the table. "Just settle down for a minute take it easy" Tara said softly.

Flashback over

Tara's POV

As I picked up Thomas from his crib I heard Jax Harley outside. As he walked inside I saw his face twisted with stress. "We need to talk can you put Thomas in the crib?" He asked I nodded and walked in Thomas room and put him in the crib with his bear. I slowly walked into the kitchen to see JAX staring at the bear. "Jax what's going on?" I asked "do you remember Jessica?" He asked suddenly a feeling in my stomach made me feel weak "yeah I remember her" I whispered "she had an daughter" he said staring at me "jax it's yours the girl" I suddenly blurted I knew Jessica was pregnant for him before anyone. "How'd you know?" He asked "Jessica came to me when she was curios and took a pregnancy test she told me not to tell anyone to protect her daughter honestly the specific thing is she didn't want her child to meet a stranger" I said taking a deep gulp he looked at me and nodded. "Well Jessica is back for good I believe and I sorta met Hazel on bad terms my temper pushed my daughter away further possibly forever" he whispered. "what'd you do?" I asked him "I pointed a gun to Jessica's head I-" I cut him off "Jackson" I said feeling a cloud of sadness overwhelm me.

Hazel POV

So the house was our and now we were online shopping for furniture the laziness between me and my mom was leveled. "Hazel" my mom said turning to me with an uneasy faced expression "yeah ma?" I said turning to her "your father he's a very tense man he's lost a lot you know" she said "mom why are you siding with him he could've killed you it doesn't matter what he lost its about what's lost in side him" I said letting a tear slide down my face. "Baby don't cry over this none of this is your fault" she whispered. "Now come on let's go to a real store and get some food" my mom said sanding up stretching. As we drove in the car I saw two bikers with a anarchy vest. "Mom are
everywhere?" I asked "what are you talking about Hazel?" She asked "the anarchy guys with the motorcycle" I said "shit that damn Jax!" My mom snapped cursing under her breathe. "Baby how hungry are you on a scale to 1 through 10?" She asked "maybe a two" I said. I wasn't really hungry I never ate much unless my mom fired me to. Suddenly my mom sped down a long street. Then we pulled up to auto placed called 'Teller Morrow' I sighed this could've been related to my father. She got out the car and slammed the door. My eyes when wide as I saw her knock over a bikers bike "oh god" I widowers terrified. Suddenly father rushed outside and looked at my mom and slammed her against the wall.

Jessica's POV

As Jax slammed me against the wall I saw Hazel get out of the quickly. " STOP!" She screamed catching Jax's attention he suddenly let me go. Hazel stopped as Jax walked over her to touch her but Hazel stepped back in terror. "Mom are you ok?" Se asked looking over at me. "Yeah baby get in the car" I said walking past Jax but her grabbed my arm roughly and then got his gun from his waist he then shot my tire. Hazel jumped horrified of what just happened. He has never seen someone shoot again I've tried to hide her from any violence she's to soft hearted. "No one isn't going anywhere in tried of all of this bullshit she's my daughter and damn it she's going to talk" Jax snapped grabbing Hazels arm gently.

Hazel POV

As we walked inside it smelt of alcohol and smoke. "MA!" Jax yelled suddenly a lady probably in her 50's sassily walked out with brown hair and highlights. Her eyes snapped on my mothers and then to me I lightly waved. She rushed over to me as stared me into the eye and looked me up and down. "My names Gemma I prefer grandma from you though" Gemma said in a cocky tone. "Aren't you to young to be my grandma" I suddenly blurted she let out a low laugh "I love you already" she said hugging me. "I'm 54" she whispered in my ear I smiled. "Now sit we need to discuss some stuff" Gemma said "but I want to talk to your mother maybe you and Jax can catch up" Gemma said pushing me to Jax. I gave my mom a look asking if I should she nodded for confirmation. As me and my dad started walking out the building toward the lot he coughed it was awkward. "So what grade are you in?" He asked " tenth grade" I said "um what do you like to do?" He asked " I like to draw and said it was something I had potential in" I said he smiled. "Can I ask you a question?" I asked he looked at me curiously "what's up with the vest and the reaper?" I asked he let out a little chuckle. "Well I'm the Vice President of sons of anarchy the reaper is basically our mascot you can say but the best shows that the person is a member and there's the prospect and they have to earn each patch" he said. "What's your favorite color?" He asked "umm well probably black it goes with everything" I said "mom says that you have a son" I said he suddenly looked at me being a bit taken back. "His names Abel he's 5 years old just started school" he said proudly "those where the days" I whispered to myself. "But it's not only Abel I have another son Thomas and a wife Tara" he said my stomach kindve got a little shaken at the fact that his life is something that I couldn't have. I smiled at him "so do you have a guy friend that I should know about?" He asked " nope" I said a little ashamed. "HEY JAX MAYANS!" I heard a guy with a Mohawk shout suddenly guns went off and the guy knocked me on the ground and covered me with his body. The bullets were so loud I couldn't even react my heart was thumping and my breathes were getting short. I saw Jax pull out his gun and run. Suddenly the gun shots were over. "Are you ok?" He asked I nodded slowly in shock. I heard my mom shouting and running my way. "Hazel are you ok?" She said coming next to me and the guy with the Mohawk "yeah I'm fine" I said lowly. The guy with the Mohawk lifted me from off the ground. "Hazel" I said to him "juice" he said with a genuine smile. "Are you both ok?" My dad asked I nodded. "Hazel lets get you inside" he said.

Jax Teller's Biracial Daughter (Sons of Anarchy)Where stories live. Discover now