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Shep 👆👆

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Shep 👆👆

Hazel Pov

"Mom are you picking me up early?" I yelled grabbing my backpack " I dont know besides whats to do on a early day off from school?" She asked walking in the kitchen "not get pregnant" I said she raised a brow "Hazel Teller you better not be having sex" my mom said pouring coffee "whos having sex?" My dad came in "how in the hell did you get in?" My mom asked "Doesnt matter how I got in..but whos having sex?" He questioned "Doesnt matter whos having sex" I said with a smile playing on my lips "watch your mouth young lady" my dad shot back to me "and wipe that smile off your face" my mom added. I sighed "wheres uncle Mac?" I questioned "asleep come on so I can take you to school" she said.

I walked into Charming High with no sign of Dylan. I then felt a pair of arms grab me from behind "Ms. Hazel Grace" I heard Dylans voice from behind. "Hey..Im sorry about the other night I promise to make it up to you" I said turning to him "You can make it up to me by making my lips wet" he said wiggling a brow. I got on my toes and pecked his lips "Im afraid I didnt feel that" he said "one more?" He nodded his head. Before I could kiss him I was met with air.  "Dylan whos the fine piece of ass?" A husky voice said "Dont call her that" Dylan said "just stating whats true" he said looking at me "You dont refer to me as a fine piece of ass and I'm Hazel Teller" I said he looked taken back "Teller?" He said questioned "so your father?" He questioned "Jax Teller" I finished for him "Such a pretty face" he said scoffing walking away.

Shep POV

I quickly pulled out my phone dialing my fathers phone. "Yes?" His voice came through "did you know Jax Teller had a kid?" I asked "not until now" the phone went dead "father of the year" I thought I looked at the girl she was beautiful but her father made her a target the best one for levrage.

Jessica's Pov

"What the" i couldnt finish as I saw Tig in front of my doorstep. I got out my car my hands kindve shook he could be dangerous when he wanted and I had no idea where Mac went.
"What are you doing here?" I asked "I wanted to talk to you" he said "Tig you made that clear that we have nothing to talk about" I said opening my front door. "I actually care about you" he said shutting my door I sighed deeply taking off my jacket. "Tig if you cared then why did you leave me in the first place?" I questioned " I dont know Jessica" he said "its not that easy..maybe we should just act like it never happened" I said he scoffed grabbing my arm "You should let go" I mummered "no not until you listen to me" he said "why should I listen to you ...your a piece of shit I hate that I fucked you I hate that I cared your were just a another guy I can add to the not fitted list" I snappes I suddenly felt a sting on my cheek and a loud noise. He slapped me I grabbed my face he sighed deeply I ran away from him locking myself in the bathroom. "Jess open the door In sorry" I heard him outside the door. "Tig you need to leave" my voice was trembling.

Hazels Pov

"Damn it mom" I said calling her for the 3rd time wondering where she was. I called my dads number "hello" his voice came through "dad I dont know where my mom is and school os over" I said "Imma send Gemma for yah just wait and Ill look for your mom" he said we said our goodbyes and hung up. Ten minutes had passed when I seen Gemmas truck from the bench. I was getting up when I felt a force and fell on the ground "Hazel" I heard the voice of the guy from earlier I looked up to see him shirtless he was a meal. I got up "You should be more careful" he said looking me uo and down "your a ass " I said picking up my backpack "but you like it..names Shep by the way" he said "Well Shep Im not to fond of you" I said rushing to the truck."Who was that?" Gemma asked "hes not important" I said. "Im gonna take you back to the shop.. do you know if theres something going on between your parents?" She asked driving off of campus "Hes over at the house more often but he doesnt stay long now that uncle Mac is over" I said "Mac your mothers brother!" She said surprised "Yes he came back last night" I answered.

Flash Back

Third Person Pov

"Where the hell is he" Mac angrily shouted looking for the blonde head that got his sister knocked up. "Wheres who?" Gemma asked she'd known Mac from when Jax invited him to club parties the to were like brothers but over the last months things shifted for the worse when Mac got involved with another Mc. "Jax your son" Mac said trying tk maintain his voice "whats going on?" Gemma asked wondering what her son had done. "My little sister is knocked up because of him" he said with his eyes starting to become red "how do you know its jax's? She asked but she knew it was for Jax "Because she has never done much unless jax is around shes never went so far for a guy" Mac said sighing. "Hes not here" Gemma said but he was but again Mac would believe the women. "Gemma once my parents find out they are gonna make her leave" Mac said and it was true they were angry about the baby but the father. "Maybe its what they need a fresh start" Gemma said walking away.

********End of Flash Back

Jax Pov

I saw that Jessica's door was open. I got off my bike fast and walked in to here everything silent. "Jax!" I heard her shout behind me "What are you doing with the damn door open you know how dangerous that is!'' I yelled "Im sorry I was going to leave out for hazel but forgot my purse" she said "What happened to your face?" I questioned looking at the bruise " I slipped getting out the shower" she said rolling her eyes. "You mustve hit your head hard" I said feeling through her hair "wheres Hazel?" She asked " My mom picked her up" I said. "Wherss Mac?" I asked "I dont know" she said.


So do yall want more Hazel or keeping it on the main characters? What do yall think? Whos Shep's father?

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2017 ⏰

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