Part 4: Don't

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Gathering Daphne from the nurses in the ED, Helen gives her a big hug and a forehead kiss as they walk down the hallway.

Helen's shift is done and now her weekend begins.

"Auntie Helen."

"Yes, Pearl?"

"Who was that nice guy earlier?"

"Which one?" Helen asks curiously as she presses the elevator button.

"The handsome one."

"Pearl, I work with a lot of handsome men. You have to be more specific." Helen says and the girl becomes frustrated. The elevator opens and Daphne comes to life.

"That one! That nice handsome man!" She points to Max and when Helen is about to say something, Daphne is already in the elevator, arm wrapped around Max's arm and gazing up at him longingly.

"Hi...." He says politely, avoiding Helen's gaze as she climbs into the box.

"Hello! I'm Daphne, but Auntie calls me Pearl. I think you're handsome and nice." She babbles on and Helen inwardly curses her niece. But before Max can say anything to the girl, she continues. "Auntie thinks you're handsome!"

"Pearl." Helen bites quietly.

"I think you two should get married and have babies! You would have really cute babies!" She rambunctiously spouts and Helen turns red.


"You're like a superhero. You saved us today! You were like Prince Charming and Auntie was like a Princess. Do you love her? I bet you love her!" She rambles and the door opens- not on their floor, but Helen pulls the child from the elevator. "By handsome Prince! I love you!"m look

As the doors close, Helen notices a smile slowly rise to Max's pinkened face and it warms her heart a bit.

"You are absolute trouble."

"Was I wrong?"

"...No..." She says after a bit, a small smile rising to her own face.

"Are we going home now?"

"Yes...once I go to my office so we can get my things."

"You mean this isn't your floor?"

"No, we have another floor to go."

"Well why'd we got off on this one?" She asks sassily and Helen furrows her brows and rolls her eyes.

"Because someone can't learn to keep her thoughts to herself. That's why." She says as they walk to the stairwell. Getting inside, they make their way up the flight of stairs and Daphne just can't help herself.

"Would you marry him?"


"That man. Our hero?"

"His name is Max and..."

"Ooooo Max!!! You would marry Max- wouldn't you?!"

"Stop it. A young lady shouldn't discuss such things." She pulls a British manners lesson from her mother and the little girl simply continues.

"He obviously loves you."

"Phh...what do you possibly know about love? You're nine."

"And your 40...."

"38! Newly 38!" She harps shrilly and Daphne just shrugs and continues up the stairs. "Keep it up and your little field trip will end quicker than these flights of stairs. I'll ship you back to London to be dealt with by your grandfather."

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