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Dong Sicheng slowly makes his way to him. He didn't know why but everything about the boy  intrigued him  -from his walk ,his rare smile that only appeared for the slightest moments but when it appeared it's as if the world stood still. His deep toned voice ,he seemed foreign nothing like the men found in China or Korea ;And now here he was walking towards him totally betraying all the shyness inside of him. He still was unable to believe he was actually doing it .
"Hi,I'm  Dong Sicheng but you can call me winwin." He awkardly smiles completely taken aback by what he was doing . The guy takes off his earphones now completely focusing on winwin. God even the way he looked at people was intimidating.
"Hello dong ...sorry I didn't get that" He smiles completely revealing all his teeth.
"Just call me winwin  "winwin said now slowly relaxing.
"Winwin, well I'm yuta and how can I help you."yuta says with his cool persona still intact.
"I was wondering if ..."winwin stops now fearful once again"if you're from here,you look foreign. "Winwin completely changes his true intentions but not fooling yuta as the older faces him with annoyance painted on his face.
"No I'm Japanese ."he said "can you cut to the chase I have places to be."he says completely sending shivers down winwin's spine.
"Well I'm part of a Christian club just down the street and I was wondering if you would like to join."winwin says as he hoped the earth would swallow him whole.He quickly shut his eyes too afraid of yuta's reaction.He knew by now the boy has to be bewildered and he refuses to see that view so he shut his eyes but opening it immediately he heard echoes of laughs escaping the older's lips. He stares at yuta completely unaware of what was going on in the boy's head.
"I'm sorry I just figured you were joking ."he says between the cracks of his laughter.
"I'm serious ."winwin says completely cutting yuta's choir of laughter short.
"I don't think I want to waste my day  listening to complete shit so I think this is my queue to exit this convo."Yuta says leaving immediately before winwin could stop him.


Dong sicheng was walking silently as his head was now accumulated with thoughts of why yuta seemed so offended by his offer. Unable to reach to an conclusion he releases a loud sigh.
He gets to his door unaware of how he got there and gets in. He takes off his shoes and jumps on his bed and attempts to find sleep but fails .All the boy keeps thinking about is yuta and how he going to persuade him . Winwin has never thought this much in so long it's giving him a headache. Luckily under all the chaos of thought a sweet slumber slowly swifts in sending him into a deep sleep to prepare for what's coming his way tomorrow.


I know, I know  ,rocky start but don't lose hope yet . It gets better.🎵So stick around 'cause we may miss you.🎵

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