Chapter 9

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A/N: Hope you like the updated cover! I made it myself.

        About a month later, Emily was finally able to come visit you at your house. You were so excited waiting for her you felt like you could explode. When the doorbell finally rang you stood as fast as you could on your crutches and hobbled to the door. You had a goofy grin on your face as you opened the door. Upon seeing you, Emily smiles wider than you thought possible. She rushes forward and hugs you tight. Your arms drop the crutches holding on to her for support. You both stand there holding each other for a few minutes. It felt like heaven to be back in her arms.

        "God, I missed you," you sigh happily into her shoulder.

        "We just talked on the phone last night," Emily laughs.

        "I know, but this is different. I missed touching you," you smirk at the dirty implications of that word. Emily doesn't seem to notice though because she just holds you tighter. You feel like you're melting into her embrace. "Do you want some lunch? I have some left over pizza in the fridge."

       "Oh, yes please," Emily almost lets go of you, but your grip on her tightens and she understands you can't walk yet, so she leans down and suddenly picks you up bridal style. You blush and try not to giggle at the situation. Suddenly you remember having to hold Emily like this about a month prior and the thought of giggling goes out the window. You remember the blood soaking through the bandages onto your arms. As Emily starts walking to the living to set you down on the couch, you tuck your head into her neck just happy you're in her arms.

        "Hey, are you okay?" she asks. "Did I hurt you?"

        "No it's just," you look into her eyes and realize you don't want to ruin the mood. "Nevermind. Hurry up and set me down so you can go get your pizza." She smirks, but you can still see she's worried. She sets you down on the couch and goes to the kitchen to warm up her pizza. While in the kitchen you pick something to watch on TV. Soon Emily enters the living room and sets down her plate. She very gently picks up your legs and sits down. Then she rests your legs on her lap. You smile at her.

        After she finishes eating her food she sets the plate on the coffee table and wipes her hands with a paper towel. You watch her lick her fingers clean and you can't help but remember how long you two had been apart.

        "Hey, Em," you say reaching out and stroking her arm. She looks down at your hand and back up into your eyes. She sees the look you're giving her and smiles. You bite your lip as Emily sits up now over you and between your legs. You lay back on the couch. She leans down and your lips connect. The kiss is fiery and passionate and it's not long till your tongues are intertwined. You pause for a moment to slip off your shirt and Emily does the same. Soon practically all your clothes are off and lying scattered about the room.

        Emily is kissing your jawline and down your neck when you faintly hear your front door open. Being so caught up in the situation you're in, you don't react until you hear, "Hey, Sweetie, you know it's not safe to leave the door unlocked like that."

        "Mom?!" you say surprised. You realize the situation you're in and motion Emily to grab the blanket on the back of your couch. Emily is barely able to throw it over you both before your mom walks into the living room. She audibly gasps and stares at you in shock. "Hi, Mom." She realizes she's staring and quickly turns her back to you. Your face is practically glowing red from embarrassment.

        "Am I interrupting something? Should I come back later?" she asks.

        "No!" you say quickly. You hear Emily mutter yes under her breath. You give her a look. "Could you just maybe wait in the other room for a minute, while we get dressed?" Your mom only nods and practically sprints out of the room. You look back at Emily and you both dissolve into embarrassed laughter. You give her one last kiss before practically pushing her off of you. You watch her get dressed and are extremely disappointed that you couldn't finish what you started. Emily hands you your clothes and you carefully slip them back on. Emily grabs your crutches next to the front door and brings them to you. You stand and make your way into the kitchen where your mom is waiting.

You and Her (Emily Prentiss x Fem.Reader) [ORIGINAL]Where stories live. Discover now